For many of us, our childhood memories were built upon the ability to bring our imagination to life through books. From learning life lessons to discovering the world through words, children can access a new world every day from the written word. It’s safe to say many of us carry quotes from our childhood with us, whether we know it or not.
Quotes from children’s books tend to touch on things we continue to experience over our lifetime—loss, love, hope, imagination, and excitement.
Here are just a few of our favorite children’s book quotes. We hope you find one you love.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – Lewis Carrol
Sometimes, I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
Carrol was in the imaginative fabric of so many lives. He crafted colorful, eccentric worlds that have stuck with us through generations. This particular quote speaks to the very heart of how children tend to view the world.
The Velveteen Rabit – Margery Williams
Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.
One of the most heartbreaking tales of how we love something so much we don’t even realize what it means to us. This book indeed made more than a few of us cry.
Charlotte’s Web – E.B. White
Fern was up at daylight, trying to rid the world of injustice. As a result, she now has a pig. A small one to be sure, but nevertheless a pig. It just shows what can happen if a person gets out of bed promptly.
The little pig that could and the girl that saved his life because she believed it was right. This sweet story might have a few unhappy endings, but it certainly taught us a lot about confidence and fighting for what we believe in. And like this quote says, the power of getting out of bed early.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe – C.S. Lewis
And so for a time it looked as if all the adventures were coming to an end; but that was not to be.
The magical tale of three children that wander into a world through a wardrobe captivated so many young minds. It also taught a whole lot of lessons about temptation and fighting for the little guys.
Peter Pan – J.M. Barrie
The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.
Peter Pan, his misfit friends, and the Darling family still leave their mark on imaginations the world over. It’s all about the power of believing in yourself and holding on to childlike wonder for as long as you can.
For those of us that took the Peter Pan lesson to heart, it’s no wonder we still find solace in these favorite children’s book quotes from authors that capture those moments for us.