You’ve been blessed with a beautiful baby and need the appropriate wording to send out the baptism invites to all your close friends and family. In this article, you can find some wordings that you can use.
What could be more fulfilling than holding your newborn baby in your arms for the first time? Nothing! Nothing can parallel the immense warmth and love you feel for your baby right from the moment he/she is born. You thank God for this wonderful blessing and get prepared to welcome your baby into this beautiful world by baptizing him. But you cannot contain your joy at being showered with this bundle of joy, so you must let all your loved ones know. To do that, you need a good invite with good wording. Read on for some ideas and samples.
Baptism: Why and How
Why: A baptism is a way of welcoming the new baby into Christianity. It is an important religious ceremony in which the baby is tied into a never ending bond with the Lord Jesus Christ. According to various religions of the world, only if one is a member of God’s family is he eligible to attain salvation. For this purpose, baptism is important.
How: The earliest practice of baptism involved complete or partial immersion of the ‘candidate’ in water. However, later practices changed to the person standing in water and water being poured on his body. Today, the importance is placed on water flowing over the head of the baby by any method: sprinkling, pouring or submersion.
Baptism Ceremony Invitation
So you’ve decided on everything for your young one’s baptism. The venue, the guests, the food, everything! The only thing left (and probably the most important) is sending out the invites. And it needs to have the best wording. Read the following samples for some ideas.
We invite you to share our joy as we baptize our precious daughter (name). Please bring your family along to (place) on (date) at (time) and join us for lunch after the ceremony.
Looking forward to seeing you, |
Mr. and Mrs. (name) are delighted to inform you that their lovely daughter (name) will be baptized on (date). The ceremony will take place at (place) at (time). Lunch will be served after the ceremony. RSVP – (contact details of parents) |
God has blessed us with a wonderful baby boy (name) whom we will be baptizing on the (date). We request your presence on this joyous occasion at (place) between (start time of ceremony) and (end time of ceremony).
Please do join us for a short snack thereafter. Thank you, |
“We prayed for this child and the Lord has granted us what we asked of Him.” 1 Samuel 1:27
We thank the Lord for the lovely baby girl (name) that He has blessed us with. As we baptize her on (date), we wish you to join us at (place and time) and celebrate this glorious occasion and also for a light meal afterward. (names of parents) |
The Lord said, “Let the children come to me. For to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 19:14.
Join us as the Lord welcomes our lovely baby boy (name) into His Kingdom on (date). The baptism ceremony will begin at (time and place). Do linger for a short brunch thereafter. The Lord be with you, |
These were some samples that you can use while writing out baptism invites. Use pretty stationery and personalize the invitations by getting your baby’s picture(s) printed on the invites. May God bless your little one!