Do you believe that all the terms which you commonly use in everyday conversations are correct? You might just be in for a shock! There are many phrases you’re probably saying wrong. You disagree? Take this quiz and see what comes out of it.
‘Perceived Usage‘ and ‘Grammar Violations‘, both, are common occurrences in present times, and mainly a result of lifestyle changes and technological advancements.
It is somewhat true that, in life, we learn more by experience than from textbooks. For example, take the English language. It’s so much simpler for a person to study the language when it’s spoken by family and friends. Now even though this may seem all so very simple, there is also a high probability that we unknowingly pick up things that are said wrongly, and just go with the flow.
While we all believe that the ‘everyday phrases’ which we use are perfectly okay, sometimes that is not the case. There are many phrases often said incorrectly, and passed on to others around, who continue using it in the wrong way, though unknowingly.
Now, I am sure you’re curious and want to find out the phrases that you’ve been saying wrong, or maybe even right too for that matter. You ought to be! Get right onto it with the quiz here, and see the results for yourself.
Most Common Phrases Wrongly Used: TRIVIA
So, did you find any of these phrases really surprising? These are the most commonly used phrases in our everyday lives, and I am sure there are many others that would be equally baffling to many. So, if you have any to add to this list, use the comments section below to share it with everyone here. I’ll sign off with something funny, but useful Craig Ferguson said, “When in doubt about who’s to blame. Blame the English.”