War is a horrible thing, and no matter in how many languages you express, it is going to be the same. It will always send chills down your spine. Penlighten lists out 30 Latin phrases about war with their meanings.
Did You Know?
“Dulce et Decorum est” is the name of a poem written by Wilfred Owen during the First World War. It is followed by ‘pro patria mori’, which means that it is sweet and right to die for one’s country.
Latin has been a great contributor to our commonly used language, English. There are several stories related to it, but as the years are passing by, Latin is slowly disappearing from our literature. There are many reasons why we should all know at least a few of the words and phrases of Latin that are unknowingly used by us. The most important reason being, if so much of our vocabulary comes from Latin, why not get acquainted with the roots?
The following section is a compilation of some Latin phrases about war. Some of these are quoted by famous people, which date back to ancient times. Some phrases are inspiring that give you strength, and most of all, they give you an insight into how soldiers or anyone feels in a war-like situation. Some even take us back to the history lessons that we had.
cur ante tubam tremor occupat artus?
Why should fear seize the limbs before the trumpet sounds? ― Virgil
victis honor
Honor to the vanquished
veni vidi vici
I came, I saw, I conquered ― Julius Caesar
in pace, ut sapiens, aptarit idonea bello
In peace, like a wise man, he appropriately prepares for war
bella horrida bella
Wars, horrid wars ― Virgil
bella detesta matribus
Wars, the horror of mothers (Horace)
bellum omnium in omnes
A war of all against all
bellum internecinum
Internecine war, a war of extermination
bellum letale
Lethal war, deadly war
bellum domesticum
Strife/war among family members
hoc est bellum
This is war
acta non verba
Deeds, not words
ad victoriam
To victory ― more commonly interpreted as “for victory,” this was a battle cry of the Romans
amor patriae
Love of one’s country
Before the war ― commonly used in the Southern United States as antebellum to refer to the period preceding the American Civil War
audemus jura nostra defendere
We dare to defend our rights ― state motto of Alabama
aut neca aut necare
Either kill or be killed
aut cum scuto aut in scuto
Either with shield or on shield ― do or die, “no retreat”; said by Spartan mothers to their sons as they departed for battle
bellum omnium contra omnes
War of all against all
citius altius fortius
Faster, higher, stronger ― modern Olympics motto
dulce bellum inexpertis
War is sweet to the inexperienced
dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
It is sweet and fitting to die for your country
fac fortia et patere
Do brave deeds and endure
laborare pugnare parati sumus
To work, (or) to fight; we are ready
morior invictus
Death before defeat
non ducor, duco
I am not led; I lead
para bellum
Prepare for war ― if you want peace, prepare for war―if a country is ready for war, its enemies are less likely to attack
in bello parvis momentis magni casus intercedunt
In war, great things are a result of small issues.
potius mori quam foedari
Better to die, than to be dishonored
aut vincere aut mori
Either conquer, or die!