Quirky might be a fun way to name the newsletter, but never compromise on the clarity and what it stands for just to make it sound creative.
When studying at college, I was a part of the core team that came up with a newsletter every month. It was one of the most fun things I’ve done in my creative life. We wrote about things as we saw them. There were exposes, interviews with authority figures who’d made a difference, features about the newest technological advances added to college, new rules, new accolades, sports events, a comic section looking at the events in college with a funny twist, and more.
And while ‘how to write a newsletter’ was taken care of, the launch of the first edition of our newsletter brought a conundrum about―what would we name it? What was a befitting name? We scratched our heads to come up with one of the most creative of newsletter names.
If you’re in the same dilemma as we were then, how are you planning to solve it? Do you know what we did to get our name? We launched the first edition with absolutely no name and held a contest asking the entire college fraternity to name the newsletter for us. The best one would be taken and the person immortalized with a name in the papers. And it worked. We got some really quirky and creative names. But this article is definitely not about those names … only. Continue reading for more details on newsletter ideas for names.
Why a Newsletter?
There are several organizations that publish newsletters because it is the perfect means of bringing forth the happenings of the organization and letting people in on the events of the company.
Sectors which Publish Newsletters
▣ Business houses
▣ Financial services
▣ Non-profit organizations
▣ Churches
▣ Educational institutes
▣ Medical organizations
▣ Hospitals
▣ Health care organizations
▣ Real estate
▣ Technology and software companies
▣ Jewelry brands
▣ Food industries
▣ Fashion houses
▣ Adoption centers
▣ Environmental organizations
▣ Tattoo parlors
▣ Media houses
▣ Publishing houses
▣ Music companies
How to Choose a Name
When coming up with names for the newsletter, there has to be a certain process in mind which cannot be ignored. Here are some of the things that you should look into:
~ First and foremost, understand who your target audience is.
~ Choose a name that has the essence of what the newsletter is about.
~ Depending on the kind of organization that the newsletter is being written for, the name will change. A business newsletter, for example, will need to have a serious, clear name, whereas a college newsletter or a newsletter meant for school kids may have a quirky name―something that you can experiment with.
~ The newsletter will represent your organization so make sure that the name is something that upholds your company’s or organization’s values and styles.
~ Think of a complementing logo or a font that brings forth the newsletter name furthermore.
Catchy Newsletter Names
As you can see, these newsletter names examples are spread over varied subjects, keeping in mind some of the organizations that might come up with a newsletter. There are several creative ways of drawing up names for your newsletter―you can simply take one of these options and add the name of the company or organization somewhere in there, or come up with a more creative name that has at the base of it a name that is truly unique and yet carries with it the essence of the company. That’s what good newsletter names are all about. Just remember to choose one that is perfect, because once you choose one, it’s yours for life.