Ebookee is a website that centers around sharings PDFs. The content is mainly to do with programming languages in the form of tutorials, and other vast topics like health, finance, etc. However, using a singular website often may not provide that much variety, which is why this Buzzle post will list out some similar websites to ebookee.
Knowledge is Power
Quite interestingly, Bob Brown had predicted the coming up of a feature like e-book, way back in 1929 – 1930, after he realized that books were replaced by movies. He first invented the ‘readies’, for the purpose of reading text without the manual book. Sooner or later, e-books did arrive.
E-books are a form of digital compilation of the thick books that, at times, are cumbersome to read. They grant us the flexibility to get access to the world of knowledge with the help of devices such as a personal computer, iPad, smartphones, etc. All you need to take care of is that you have to get the right format for the software you would be using to read the e-books.
Though there are differing opinions regarding the acceptance, and use of e-books, the number of websites providing e-books is certainly on the rise. Thus, the need for such websites is far from diminishing. There are various websites coming up for a single demand, and the choice is so vast that it becomes tough to choose the website from where you want to read the books. One common site is the ebookee. Let’s take a look at other similar websites for the same purpose.
This website has a plethora of books such as art, business, computers, and IT, children, and the like. The speed is not exceptional, but it can be fine to work with the speed it has. It has good traffic, and has been ranked well by many other review websites. You can get the books free of cost.
Find books on: Bookyards
IT eBooks
This is a free website for downloading books on IT. You can actually catch hold of books for free on subjects like web designing, Java, computer language, Android, and mobile technology. The website is simple, and the process of finding what you want is very basic. So you don’t have to waste your time to get what you want. The loading time is also good enough. There are separate sections for the last and latest updates.
Find books on: IT eBooks
This website has a huge collection of books, which are available for free. The reader can also request for titles and procure the books of their choice. They have divided the categories of books into genres. These being numerous, some of these are computers, science, and science fiction. Visit the website to get books of your choice.
Find books on: ManyBooks.net
This is a Switzerland-based website. It is a popular site to work on. You just sign up for free with this website, and you get an easy access to a whole range of books. This website is ranking highly as an electronic library. The loading time on the mobile is quite fast.
Just by signing up for free, you will be introduced to a huge world of online library. The website provides easy navigation, and you can, for yourself, browse through the endless categories and topics they have to offer. The loading time is good. With a good Internet connection, you can search for what you want in minimum time.
Find books on: Free-eBooks.net
This is perhaps a website you would like to visit more often, because of the ease with which you can get to what you are searching for. The website is divided into various sections like the categories, direct download, and torrent download, granting the user with more options. The categories of the books are varied. Engineering, science, web development, etc., and several others grab your attention.
Find books on: ebook3000.com
This website is very vibrant and easy to explore. You can find so many different categories of books, sooner than you realize. There are also different sections entitled popular books, new titles, editor’s picks, and highest rated. These features come of help when one wants to read anything worthwhile just at random.
Find books on: bookboon.com
The catchline of the website, which says, “every book you see is free”, takes the reader to a higher level of motivation. As the website is so rich in the list of categories it has, any person would have an inclination to read books from one of those categories.
WOW! eBook
The website is just like a storehouse of several books for those belonging to the computer and IT domain. The cover pages are right on the display, with additional information on book details, book description, and the free download link on the right side.
Find books on: WOW! eBook
The website is very simplistic and allows the user to search for the desired books easily. The search option is right on the top and absolutely visible. The types of books available are divided into three sections; a click on the link will guide the user to a more specific search, allowing him to select the category.
Find books on: edom.com
This website provides the search section, where the reader can search the books. There is an archive, wherein the readers can get access to the variety of books that are stored. There is yet another section called the request book, where the reader can post the required title, and can get it subsequently.
Find books on: getfreeebooks
Fox eBook
This is a comprehensive website to find books for free. The website has highlighted the books and their reviews right in the center. It has listed the categories on the right, with a search section on the top.
E-Books Directory
The site may not be catchy, and may leave you disappointed for a while due to the bleak design it has been showing up. But, as soon as you begin looking up for books from the elaborate list, you would have an urge to come back time and again to find books of your choice.
Find books on: E-Books Directory
The list above is a compilation of the websites that are common in terms of features with the eBookee. Therefore, you can log on to any one, or even more, to explore the books of your choice and requirement. Happy reading, and happy learning!