If you are about to write a recommendation letter, samples given in this article will be helpful to you. Scroll down for detailed information on the same.
A recommendation letter is written to specify and highlight qualities and strengths of the respective person. These letters are written only when someone requests for it and therefore, it is addressed to a specific person. The term ‘recommendation letter’ is also interchangeably used with ‘reference letter’. These letters are written for various purposes like letter of recommendation for employment, or for an academic scholarship; character reference letter, etc.
This letter should be detailed, giving all information about the personality as well as capabilities of the person. It should be brief, precise and clear. Ambiguous or informal letters are usually not entertained. Following is the format or the layout of a sample letter that will be helpful to you.
Template of Recommendation Letter
- Address of sender
- Date
- Name of the recipient
- Address of the recipient (if it is a generalized letter, the sender does not write the name of the recipient, it is simply written as ‘to whom it may concern’.)
- Dear Mr/Ms
- First paragraph – This is the beginning of the letter and here the sender should mention the relation between him and the respective person, and for how long he has known the person.
- 2-3 paragraphs – Here, the sender needs to mention in detail, the qualities and strengths, or weaknesses of the person in concern. Here, he will also mention why the person is suitable for the job.
- Closing paragraph – This is the concluding part of the letter and here, the sender also mentions his contact number or e-mail address, in case, the recipient needs more information.
- Yours faithfully / sincerely,
- Name of the sender
These are the essentials found in all reference letters. Now, following are some recommendation letter samples that will give you a fair idea on writing it. The first one is a sample letter of recommendation from an employer.
Sample # 1
Address of Sender Date Name of Recipient Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter as a recommendation for Mr. ABC. Mr. ABC worked with me at (name of firm) for ___ years. He is a hard-working employee and knows how to get the work done effectively. He has also worked with other teams closely and was an inspiration for his team members. Mr. ABC has excellent communication skills, both verbal as well as written. He was highly respected here, by his colleagues and customers. (The sender needs to mention all the qualities along with some examples or experiences). When Mr. ABC handed his resignation, we were saddened to see him leave, and his presence is still missed here. On the basis of my experience of knowing and working with Mr. ABC, I strongly recommend him to a position of ______. If you wish to have further information about Mr. ABC, please feel free to give me a call on (contact number). Yours faithfully, |
Sample # 2
You can also get a personal recommendation letter from a relative or an acquaintance. However, it is essential for the sender to have a professional relation with the person. Here is a sample of personal letter of recommendation.
Address of Sender Date To whom it may concern: This is my personal recommendation letter for Mr. XYZ. Mr. XYZ has worked under my supervision at (name of firm) for __ years and I have found him to be reliable and dedicated. He is also a conscientious and honest employee. Mr. XYZ is creative and resourceful, and we have benefited greatly from his innovative ideas. He has also worked well as a team leader as well as an efficient team member. He has handled a full range of responsibilities including ______. Mr. XYZ’s contributions for the company have been impressive and valuable. He has demonstrated enthusiasm and creativity towards a variety of projects. He is a very competent employee and has an excellent rapport with other employees as well. I, without any reservation, recommend Mr. XYZ for the position of _______. I am sure he will be a great asset to the company. I will be happy to provide further information about Mr. XYZ, if required. Do not hesitate to call me on (contact number). Sincerely, |
Recommendation Letter Phrases
- It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Mr/Miss. ABC
- It is with great pleasure that I am recommending Mr/Miss. ABC to you
- It gives me great pleasure to write the character letter of recommendation for Mr/Miss. ABC
- I am writing this letter of recommendation at the request of Mr/Miss. ABC
- I am writing this letter in the capacity of (sender’s designation), recommending to you Mr/Miss. ABC.
- I am writing this recommendation letter for Mr/Miss. ABC in the capability as the (sender’s designation)
- I am writing to urge you to seriously consider Mr/Miss. ABC for (job title / scholarship)
- I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend Mr/Miss. ABC for the position of (job title)
- This letter serves to vouch for the character of Mr/Miss. ABC.
- I confirm that I have known Mr/Miss. ABC for (number) years and strongly recommend him/her for (job title)
One must remember that a recommendation letter needs to be precise as well as professional. These samples and tips will definitely be helpful to anyone who has been requested to write one, for their former employee. Good luck!