Getting an apartment, especially in a city, is rather tough. A reference letter for apartment can help you write a letter for a friend or colleague who is hunting for an apartment.
The real estate market is a troublesome one and finding a decent apartment is pretty difficult. There is a very simple economic explanation for such a phenomenon. The availability of land is always going to be the same, no matter what. However, the number of people wanting to occupy the land is always going to be rising. Hence, the price of the real estate is going to be on the rise and the probability of not getting an apartment is always going to be high. Hence, getting apartment rentals and even condominiums is going to require an extra effort. One of the best ways to improve the chances of getting the rental, is to attach a reference letter with the rental application letter.
Reference Letter Template for Apartment
This is a personal letter, recommending a person for an apartment, hence in many cases, it is also known as a personal reference letter for apartment. It can be written by two parties, namely your office, or your friends, or relatives. Both letters equally important with the letter from your employer focusing mainly about the person’s work, while the informal one focusing on your personal qualities.
If you have to write a letter of reference for this purpose, then you can divide the letter in 3 parts. In the first part, you can establish your relation with the person about whom you are writing the letter. In the second paragraph, you can state some of the qualities of that person that you appreciate. In the third part you can just state that person is a good human being. You can consider the following sample that will help enhance the points better.
To whomsoever it may concern, Dear Sir/Madam, I have known Jordan for quite some time, 5 years to be precise. She is on my business and financial audit and analysis team and is a very important member. In frank and simple words, Jordan is a very nice person and never thinks ill of anybody. She is a very friendly person who offers a willing hand to anybody. In the past 5 years, her meticulousness and will to discipline things has astounded me. She is a strict follower of timetables, and one would never find her late. Early to bed, early to rise is her motto and disturbing some other person is the last thing she would do. Though she has a lot of friends, she does not party recklessly. She is also among those few people who abstain from smoking or consuming alcohol. Overall, she will be a very quiet but a helpful neighbor. One very important thing that I forgot to mention is that she is an amazing baby-sitter and also a natural dog walker. I hope that you love her as a neighbor as she is a wonderful human being. Thanking you, Yours, |
You might notice that there is a personal touch to the entire letter. This creates a good impression about the person. Just appreciate a few merits of the person that makes him/her a good human being.