In the English language, there are numerous words to describe a person’s character and behavior. And this article comprises just a few of them…
In our daily lives, we come across a lot of people with whom we may or may not interact. A few of them become acquaintances and some even become friends over time. Then again, there are some that give off unfavorable vibrations or are simply repulsive. Also, in our social circles, we have friends, relatives, colleagues, seniors, etc., each of whom has a unique set of attributes that are a part of his/her individual personality. These attributes are often highlighted to summarize an individual’s personality or most striking trait.
Below is an alphabetical list of words that can be used to describe a person in terms of his/her qualities and the impression he/she has left on you. Note, however, that the individual lists are not in alphabetical order.
Deliverance from Descriptive Dilemma
The following lists are not exhaustive, but you will get a lot of common as well as not-so-common words, under each alphabet, to describe someone. Before using a new word to describe someone though, make sure you confirm its meaning and proper usage (especially the context and subject) from a reliable source. We don’t want to make a fool of ourselves while trying to show off our vocabulary skills, now, do we?
- Acrimonious
- Adorable
- Adventurous
- Accomplished
- Active
- Admirable
- Adolescent
- Adorable
- Agile
- Agonizing
- Agreeable
- Alert
- Altruistic
- Amazing
- Ambitious
- Ambidextrous
- Angry
- Anguished
- Anorexic
- Animated
- Anxious
- Apprehensive
- Appropriate
- Apt
- Artistic
- Athletic
- Attentive
- Attractive
- Austere
- Avaricious
- Average
- Aware
- Avid
- Aged
- Aggressive
- Ancient
- Angelic
- Arrogant
- Articulate
- Awful
- Affable
- Amusing
- Ardent
- Awesome
- Awkward
- Adamant
- Analytical
- Astute
- Babyish
- Beautiful
- Beloved
- Better
- Best
- Big-hearted
- Bland
- Blind
- Blissful
- Blond
- Bony
- Boring
- Bossy
- Brave
- Bright
- Broke
- Bubbly
- Buoyant
- Burly
- Bustling
- Bewitching
- Bohemian
- Bold
- Brilliant
- Busy
- Blithe
- Blushing
- Bashful
- Bulimic
- Belligerent
- Calculating
- Calm
- Candid
- Capricious
- Captivating
- Carefree
- Careful
- Careless
- Caring
- Cautious
- Cheerful
- Chief
- Chivalrous
- Chubby
- Clean
- Clever
- Closed
- Clueless
- Clumsy
- Coarse
- Complete
- Complex
- Complicated
- Concerned
- Confused
- Conscious
- Considerate
- Constant
- Content
- Conventional
- Courageous
- Courteous
- Crafty
- Crazy
- Creative
- Creepy
- Criminal
- Critical
- Crooked
- Cruel
- Chaste
- Cheap
- Catty
- Colorless
- Common
- Competent
- Coordinated
- Corny
- Corrupt
- Cultured
- Celebrated
- Charming
- Cold
- Colorful
- Cool
- Cooperative
- Cuddly
- Cultivated
- Curvy
- Cute
- Damaged
- Damned
- Dangerous
- Dapper
- Daring
- Darling
- Dark
- Dazzling
- Dead
- Decisive
- Deep
- Defenseless
- Defensive
- Delectable
- Delightful
- Delirious
- Demanding
- Dependable
- Devoted
- Different
- Difficult
- Diffident
- Dimpled
- Dimwitted
- Direct
- Discrete
- Disfigured
- Dirty
- Disguised
- Dishonest
- Distinct
- Dour
- Doting
- Drab
- Dramatic
- Derelict
- Dearest
- Decent
- Despicable
- Determined
- Dismal
- Distant
- Dull
- Dutiful
- Dandy
- Deadly
- Dear
- Dependent
- Descriptive
- Disgusting
- Disloyal
- Dreary
- Dry
- Divine
- Eager
- Earnest
- Easy
- Easy-going
- Educated
- Elaborate
- Elegant
- Elementary
- Embarrassing
- Eminent
- Emotional
- Empty
- Enlightened
- Enormous
- Envious
- Equal
- Erudite
- Esteemed
- Evil
- Exalted
- Excellent
- Exemplary
- Exciting
- Experienced
- Elderly
- Energetic
- Evergreen
- Extroverted
- Eccentric
- Effervescent
- Enchanting
- Ethical
- Empathetic
- Expert
- Elated
- Earthy
- Fabulous
- Facinorous
- Failing
- Faint
- Fair
- Faithful
- Fake
- Familiar
- Famous
- Fancy
- Fearful
- Fearless
- Feisty
- Feline
- Female
- Feminine
- Fickle
- Filthy
- Fine
- Firm
- Flippant
- Flowery
- Flustered
- Focused
- Fiendish
- Foolhardy
- Foolish
- Forceful
- Formal
- Forthright
- French
- Fresh
- Friendly
- Frightened
- Frightening
- Frigid
- Frivolous
- Frosty
- Frugal
- Fruitful
- Fantastic
- Fast
- Fat
- Fatherly
- Flamboyant
- Flashy
- Flawed
- Flawless
- Fortunate
- Frail
- Frank
- Free
- Funky
- Funny
- Furious
- Fussy
- Feeble
- Furtive
- Fastidious
- Fat
- Generous
- Genuine
- Giant
- Gigantic
- Gifted
- Giving
- Gloomy
- Glorious
- Glum
- Golden
- Good
- Good-natured
- Grand
- Grandiose
- Grateful
- Great
- Greedy
- Gregarious
- Gross
- Grotesque
- Grouchy
- Grounded
- Growing
- Grown
- Glamorous
- Glaring
- Gleeful
- Gorgeous
- Graceful
- Gracious
- Grim
- Grimy
- Grizzled
- Grumpy
- Guilty
- Gullible
- Hairy
- Handsome
- Happy
- Happy-go-lucky
- Hard-to-find
- Harmful
- Hasty
- Hateful
- Healthy
- Heavy
- Hefty
- Helpful
- High-level
- Hilarious
- Hoarse
- Hollow
- Homely
- Honest
- Horrible
- Hot
- Hoydenish
- Huge
- Humble
- Humiliating
- Harmless
- Harmonious
- Harsh
- Helpless
- Hideous
- High
- Honorable
- Honored
- Hopeful
- Hungry
- Hurtful
- Husky
- Icky
- Icy
- Ideal
- Idealistic
- Identical
- Idle
- Idiotic
- Ignorant
- Ill
- Illegal
- Illustrious
- Imaginary
- Imaginative
- Immaculate
- Impeccable
- Impartial
- Imperfect
- Impolite
- Important
- Impossible
- Impure
- Incomparable
- Incompatible
- Incomplete
- Incredible
- Inexperienced
- Indolent
- Infamous
- Infantile
- Infatuated
- Insecure
- Insignificant
- Insistent
- Intelligent
- Intent
- Intentional
- Interesting
- Internal
- International
- Intimidating
- Ill-informed
- Illiterate
- Impressive
- Impulsive
- Informal
- Innocent
- Irresponsible
- Irritating
- Insidious
- Inimitable
- Industrious
- Illegitimate
- Ill-fated
- Impractical
- Intrepid
- Inferior
- Inimical
- Irksome
- Inventive
- Idolator
- Jaded
- Jaunty
- Jealous
- Jittery
- Jocund
- Jolly
- Joyful
- Jubilant
- Judicious
- Junior
- Jumpy
- Just
- Jingoistic
- Jovial
- Judgmental
- Juvenile
- Jazzy
- Jejune
- Keen
- Kind
- Kindly
- Kinky
- Klutzy
- Knowledgeable
- Known
- Kooky
- Kindhearted
- Kleptomaniac
- Knowing
- Knavish
- Lame
- Lanky
- Large
- Last
- Lawful
- Lean
- Legal
- Legitimate
- Light
- Lighthearted
- Lively
- Livid
- Loathsome
- Lone
- Lonely
- Loud
- Lovable
- Lovely
- Loving
- Loyal
- Lazy
- Leading
- Likable
- Little
- Lopsided
- Lost
- Lucky
- Lumbering
- Lenient
- Legendary
- Macho
- Mad
- Made-up
- Magnanimous
- Magnificent
- Majestic
- Marvelous
- Masculine
- Massive
- Mature
- Mean
- Measly
- Mellow
- Memorable
- Merry
- Mindless
- Miniature
- Minor
- Modern
- Modest
- Monstrous
- Moral
- Mortified
- Motherly
- Major
- Male
- Mammoth
- Mediocre
- Medium
- Meek
- Miserly
- Misguided
- Mixed
- Motionless
- Mushy
- Mysterious
- Naive
- Nasty
- Natural
- Naughty
- Near
- Necessary
- Needy
- Negative
- Neglected
- Nerdy
- Nice
- Nifty
- Nimble
- Nippy
- Nocturnal
- Notable
- Noted
- Notorious
- Novel
- Noxious
- Nearsighted
- Neat
- Nervous
- New
- Noisy
- Normal
- Numb
- Nutty
- Neanderthal
- Negligent
- Obedient
- Obese
- Obtuse
- Odd
- Offensive
- Old
- Old-fashioned
- Open
- Opulent
- Orderly
- Ordinary
- Original
- Outgoing
- Outlandish
- Outrageous
- Outstanding
- Oddball
- Offbeat
- Optimal
- Optimistic
- Ostentatious
- Our
- Overjoyed
- Overlooked
- Pale
- Paltry
- Parched
- Partial
- Passionate
- Past
- Peaceful
- Peppery
- Perfect
- Perky
- Petty
- Phony
- Physical
- Pitiful
- Plain
- Plaintive
- Plastic
- Playful
- Pleasant
- Pleased
- Polite
- Political
- Poised
- Poor
- Popular
- Portly
- Posh
- Positive
- Powerful
- Powerless
- Pretty
- Previous
- Primary
- Prime
- Private
- Productive
- Proper
- Proud
- Punctual
- Pungent
- Personal
- Pertinent
- Pesky
- Pessimistic
- Pleasing
- Plump
- Plush
- Polished
- Passive
- Parsimonious
- Practical
- Precious
- Present
- Prestigious
- Puny
- Pure
- Pushy
- Puzzled
- Prudent
- Panicky
- Quaint
- Qualified
- Queasy
- Queenly
- Questionable
- Quick
- Quiet
- Quirky
- Quarrelsome
- Querulous
- Quick-witted
- Quixotic
- Radiant
- Ragged
- Rash
- Raw
- Reckless
- Ready
- Reasonable
- Regal
- Regular
- Relieved
- Remarkable
- Remorseful
- Responsible
- Repulsive
- Rich
- Rigid
- Right
- Robust
- Rough
- Round
- Rowdy
- Royal
- Rundown
- Ruddy
- Real
- Realistic
- Repentant
- Respectful
- Rosy
- Rotten
- Rude
- Rural
- Raucous
- Rakish
- Rambunctious
- Racist
- Sad
- Safe
- Sane
- Sarcastic
- Sardonic
- Satisfied
- Scared
- Scary
- Scholarly
- Scientific
- Scornful
- Scratchy
- Scrawny
- Second
- Successful
- Secret
- Self-assured
- Self-reliant
- Selfish
- Sentimental
- Sharp
- Shocked
- Shocking
- Shoddy
- Short
- Showy
- Shrill
- Shy
- Sick
- Silent
- Silly
- Simple
- Simplistic
- Sinful
- Single
- Sizzling
- Skeletal
- Skinny
- Sleepy
- Slight
- Sniveling
- Sociable
- Soft
- Somber
- Sophisticated
- Sore
- Sorrowful
- Soulful
- Spanish
- Spectacular
- Speedy
- Spicy
- Spiffy
- Spiteful
- Splendid
- Spotless
- Spotted
- Spry
- Square
- Squeaky
- Strident
- Striking
- Strong
- Studious
- Stunning
- Stupendous
- Stupid
- Sturdy
- Stylish
- Subdued
- Submissive
- Subtle
- Suburban
- Sunny
- Super
- Superb
- Superficial
- Superior
- Supportive
- Sure-footed
- Serene
- Serious
- Severe
- Shabby
- Shadowy
- Shady
- Shallow
- Shameful
- Shameless
- Secretive
- Slim
- Slow
- Small
- Smart
- Smooth
- Smug
- Snappy
- Snarling
- Sneaky
- Sensitive
- Stable
- Stained
- Stale
- Stiff
- Stimulating
- Stingy
- Straight
- Strange
- Strict
- Sensuous
- Surprised
- Suspicious
- Svelte
- Sweaty
- Sweet
- Sweltering
- Swift
- Sympathetic
- Sensual
- Seductive
- Tall
- Talkative
- Tame
- Tan
- Tangible
- Tart
- Tender
- Tense
- Thankful
- That
- These
- Thin
- Third
- Thirsty
- This
- Thorough
- Thunderous
- Timely
- Tiny
- Tired
- Torn
- Tough
- Traumatized
- Treasured
- Tremendous
- Tricky
- Troubled
- True
- Trusting
- Trustworthy
- Trusty
- Truthful
- Terrific
- Testy
- Thoughtful
- Thrifty
- Tragic
- Trained
- Turbulent
- Twin
- Terrible
- Those
- Tremendous
- Tubby
- Tenacious
- Timid
- Twisted
- Tyrannical
- Ugly
- Ultimate
- Unacceptable
- Unaware
- Uncomfortable
- Uncommon
- Unconscious
- Unfortunate
- Unhappy
- Unhealthy
- Unimportant
- Unique
- Unkempt
- Unknown
- Unpleasant
- Unrealistic
- Unruly
- Unselfish
- Unsightly
- Unsteady
- Unsung
- Unwelcome
- Unwieldy
- Unwilling
- Unwitting
- Upbeat
- Upright
- Upset
- Understated
- Unequaled
- Unfit
- Unlawful
- Unlucky
- Unnatural
- Untidy
- Untimely
- Unusual
- Urban
- Useful
- Useless
- Underrated
- Uppity
- Vague
- Vain
- Valuable
- Vast
- Venerated
- Vengeful
- Victorious
- Vigilant
- Vigorous
- Virtuous
- Visible
- Vital
- Variable
- Vicious
- Violent
- Villainous
- Vivacious
- Voluptuous
- Vibrant
- Vapid
- Valiant
- Wan
- Warlike
- Warm
- Warmhearted
- Warped
- Wary
- Wasteful
- Watchful
- Weighty
- Weird
- Welcome
- Well-groomed
- Well-informed
- Well-off
- Well-to-do
- Whimsical
- Willful
- Willing
- Winged
- Wiry
- Wise
- Witty
- Wobbly
- Woeful
- Worn
- Worried
- Worrisome
- Worse
- Worst
- Worthless
- Worthwhile
- Worthy
- Wealthy
- Weak
- Weary
- Weepy
- White
- Wide-eyed
- Wiggly
- Wild
- Woozy
- Wordy
- Worldly
- Wretched
- Writhing
- Wrong
- Wonderful
- Wrathful
- Young
- Youthful
- Yappy
- Yugoslavian
- Zany
- Zealous
- Zesty
- Zippy
As mentioned before, the above lists are not comprehensive and there are many other words that can be used to describe a person’s positive or negative character, behavior, way of thinking, etc. Feel free to help us add more words to describe a person in this write-up via the ‘Bouquets and Brickbats‘ section below. After all, a helping hand only makes one more efficacious and leads to improvement!