Trying to figure out a word (or two) with a Q not followed by U is sure to leave a person racking his brains for a while. Stop bothering your brains as we can sort this problem for you. Coming up is a list of Q words without U following it.
Guess what!
There exist 67 words in the English language that don’t have a Q-U combination in them.
Playing word games with friends is fun, specially when you know you are winning. But at some point of all our word games, we encounter certain combination of letters that can’t be used without the other. One such pair is the Q-U pair.
The good news is there are words that don’t have Q followed by U, if you are wondering how this is even possible! We know you can’t think of any word like that (except a few of you knowledgeable ones, maybe!), so we give you a list of such words along with their meanings, because you may haven’t even heard more than half the words from that list, which you can use in the word puzzle game, ‘Words with Friends’, and leave your opponent in a fix.
Plus, we also know that there are 67 such words out of which 40 can be used in the ‘Words with Friends’ word game!
8-Letter Word | Meaning |
qindarka | An Albanian unit of currency, equal to one one-hundredth of a lek. |
sheqalim | A unit of weight originally used in Mesopotamia. The currency of Israel, divided into 100 agorot. |
7-letter Word | Meaning |
buqshas | A former Yemeni monetary unit. |
qabalah, qabalas | A form of Jewish mysticism. |
qindars, qintars | An Albanian unit of currency, equal to one one-hundredth of a lek. |
qiviuts | The wool of the musk-ox. |
qwertys | A standard English keyboard layout. |
sheqels | A unit of weight originally used in Mesopotamia. The currency of Israel, divided into 100 agorot. |
6-letter Word | Meaning |
buqsha | A former Yemeni monetary unit. |
burqas | A veiled garment worn by some Muslim women. |
faqirs | A Muslim ascetic. |
qabala | A form of Jewish mysticism. |
qindar, qintar | An Albanian unit of currency, equal to one one-hundredth of a lek. |
qiviut | The wool of the musk-ox. |
qwerty | A standard English keyboard layout. |
qanats | A type of water supply tunnel found in north Africa and the Middle East. |
sheqel | A unit of weight originally used in Mesopotamia. The currency of Israel, divided into 100 agorot. |
tranqs | A form of sedative. |
umiaqs | An open Inuit boat. |
5-letter Word | Meaning |
burqa | A veiled garment worn by some Muslim women. |
faqir | A Muslim ascetic. |
qanat | A type of water-supply tunnel found in north Africa and the Middle East. |
qadis | A Muslim judge. |
qaids | A Muslim tribal chief. |
qophs | The nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
sheqel | A unit of weight originally used in Mesopotamia. The currency of Israel, divided into 100 agorot. |
tranq | A form of sedative. |
umiaq | An open Inuit boat. |
4-letter Word | Meaning |
qadi | A Muslim judge. |
qaid | A Muslim tribal chief. |
qoph | The nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. |
qats | A kind of Arabian shrub used as a narcotic. |
suqs | An Arab marketplace. |
3-letter Word | Meaning |
qis | In Chinese culture, it’s a physical life force. |
suq | An Arab marketplace. |
qat | A kind of Arabian shrub used as a narcotic. |
2-letter Word | Meaning |
qi | In Chinese culture, it is a physical life force. |