You can use authority letters to grant responsibility as well as authority to someone to take care of your official business. We provide reference formats to help you draft the letter.
An authority letter is written to give someone the authority on behalf of the person who is writing the letter. It needs to be to the point with clear objectives. You need to write it to transfer some of your responsibilities to someone else. By this, they are given some powers to exercise some decisions on your behalf. You can write an authority letter to a family member or an acquaintance to complete your work, carry out some decisions on your behalf or seek some medical or financial information for you.
Authorization Letter Format
It is very important that your authority letter has all the information related to the responsibilities very clearly. The authorization letter format should be written like a formal letter format. You may even have to provide an ID proof of the person with a photograph. You should remember to mention the time period between which the person is authorized to carry out the responsibilities given by you.
You need to write your name and address followed by the date on the left hand side of the page. Then, below the date write the name and address of the receiver. The introduction in the first paragraph of the letter is very important. Here, you need to introduce yourself and the person you are assigning the responsibility clearly. You need to mention if the person is related to you and if possible, provide some personal identification information with a photo-ID proof of the person. You will need to write a line about the type of authority you are granting the person and for what.
The second paragraph should also be short and to the point. It should contain the exact responsibilities you are granting the recipient. Make sure you are clear about what you want as you do not want people to develop misunderstandings. In the concluding paragraph, you need to mention the time duration as well as the date that the person is authorized to carry out the particular job. End the letter with your name and your job title, if applicable.
Authorization Letter Examples
Authority letters are written for many purposes including for bank, landlord, subordinating work, etc. The following letters cover different areas, where one needs to grant responsibilities and authority to someone.
Authority Letter for Bank |
Name of Signing Authority, Address Phone Number, email id. Date: DD/MM/YY Name of Bank Manager, Dear Mr./Ms. Name of Bank Manager: I, the undersigned, hereby authorize you to release to (Name of Individual/ Company) banking information requested by [him / her / it] relating to my Account No. [ACCOUNT NO., XXXXXXXX]. He is my financial adviser and he will need the information to file taxes for the accounting year 2010 to 2011. Mr. (Name of Individual) can get access to my account information related to my [ACCOUNT NO., XXXXXXXX] from November 1, 2010 up to April 1, 2011. This shall be your good and sufficient authority for so doing. Sincerely, [Your Signature] |
Authority Letter for Property |
Name of Signing Authority, Address Phone Number, email id Date: DD/MM/YY I, Property Owner Name, being duly sworn declare that I am the owner of the property involved in the application. I hereby grant Name of Individual Authorized of ______________to act on my behalf from November 1, 2010 up to January 20, 2010. I further declare that all statements, answers, and information herein submitted is in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sincerely, [Your Signature] State of ____________ Before me the undersigned authority, personally appeared ________________ , who is personally known by me or has produced ________________ to the person described and who executed the foregoing instrument for the purpose therein and it is true and correct. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ______ day of ____________, 20____. State of ______________ Witness my hand and official seal, this day of _________ 20___. Notary Signature ______________ My Commission Expires _____________(SEAL) |
Power of Authority Letter |
Name of Signing Authority, Address Phone Number, email id Date: DD/MM/YY Name of Person to be Authorized, I authorize you, Name of Individual, to negotiate, discuss and communicate with [Name of Company or Individual(s)] about (sales, products and deals). You are given the authority to act on my behalf, till I return from my trip abroad. Thus, you are hereby authorized by me to act in all matters related to entering agreements or contracts, accept or reject agreements, and to act in whatever necessary to accomplish that is being undertaken. You shall be in control of the responsibilities from November 1, 2010 up to December 20, 2010. Sincerely, [Your Signature] |
It is very important that one remains absolutely clear regarding the responsibilities given and the duration of time up to which the person can act on your behalf.