If you are writing a letter to grant someone the authority to act on your behalf and need the proper format, then read this article to learn how to write such a letter.
The process of letter writing is one that puts to test our letter drafting abilities. From writing a letter to a friend to drafting a letter for official purposes, writing a well-drafted letter can seem like a herculean task. In a world where messaging language has proliferated even the world of literature, drafting a letter that is correct not only in terms of the language and grammar used but also in the format being used can seem difficult. If you need to write an official letter wherein you need to address a person you have never met, the letter needs to be framed correctly. There are many official letters that you may need to write in your daily life. An authorization letter allowing another person to act on your behalf is one such letter. A letter of this type is of extreme importance because of the legal ramifications it can have in case the letter is not drafted properly or if it gives out information that is unnecessary. In this article, we will discuss the proper template of an authorization letter and elucidate the same with an example.
Format of an Authorization Letter
To understand properly how to draft an authorization letter, it is important to have at your disposal an authorization letter template that will give you the proper format for such a letter, minimizing the possibility of making any errors.
Your Name Your Address Date Name of Addressee Salutation/Greetings The first paragraph needs to inform the addressee of the reason for which you are writing the letter. You will explain to the addressee the reason for which you are giving an authority letter to the bearer of the letter and also explain your relationship with the bearer of the letter. This is an extremely important piece of information to be included in an authorization letter. The second paragraph will enlist any information that confirms to the addressee that the letter has been written by you and is not a forgery attempt. Ensure that this information is foolproof evidence that verifies the authenticity of the letter. The third paragraph should be the concluding paragraph in which you will provide the addressee with your contact details and ask them to contact you in case of any confusion or in case they want to verify the claim made by the bearer of the letter. Valediction/Goodbye |
Authorization Letter Sample
A sample of an authorization letter allows you to understand the format of an authorization letter better as the template is elucidated with the help of proper examples. Given below is a sample of a letter formatted in a manner similar to the template that has been given in the earlier section.
Stana Fillion 322, Rustic View Apartments Elm Street New York – 695455 Date: 13th Jan 2012 Goliath National Realty To Whomsoever It May Concern, I, the undersigned, have recently bought a property at Green Meadows, 345, Oak Road, New Jersey. This property was bought under an agreement with your company. I have now been transferred to Singapore by the organization I work for and therefore, need to change the billing address for my new house to my new address in Singapore. Unfortunately due to the urgency with which it was necessary for me to move to Singapore, I was unable to personally come and change my billing address. In my absence, I authorize my brother John Fillion, the bearer of this letter, to act in all matters regarding the property that I own in New Jersey, including the change in my billing address. Attached with this letter are photocopies of my agreement with your company and proofs of identity proving my relationship with the bearer of this letter. If you have any questions regarding the matters mentioned in this letter or any other matter regarding the property, you can contact me at [email protected]. I do not have a permanent telephone number yet but I shall inform you of the same as soon as possible. Thanking you, Yours sincerely |
This article on the correct format of an authorization letter has hopefully helped you understand how an authorization letter should be drafted. The sample should have helped you understand what information needs to be included in the letter.