Do you conduct many cash transactions on a daily basis? If yes, then with the template of a cash receipt given here, you can make your own receipts instead of spending a lot of money on buying receipt booklets from the market.
Once a transaction is done the seller needs to issue a receipt to the customer or the client as a proof of the sale having been made. A cash receipt will generally have details about the goods or services that have been sold and the cost that has been incurred in the transaction. But the format of a cash receipt can vary depending on the business of the organization or the preference of the merchant issuing the cash receipt. It is advisable for the merchant to use a template to create their own sales receipt.
If you offer some sort of service to the customer, you can have columns detailing the different services provided. On the other hand, if you deal in the sale of goods, then you can have columns like item description, quantity of goods sold, etc. on the cash receipt. Always ensure that you have designated space for the amount and price of the goods, both individually and as a total amount on the receipt. There also has to be a receipt number on the receipt and any terms and conditions that you have on the sale. This will save your company from trouble in the future.
Click on the template for cash receipt given below in order to print it and use it.
Date ____________
Receipt received from__________________________________ amounting to ________ (in Numbers) _______________________________________ (in Words) for _____________________________________________
Account Amount ___________
Current Amount ___________
Balance Due_________
Payment by Cash/Check/Money Order
Creating a template in order to save on the monthly expenditure of buying cash receipt booklets is an excellent idea. It is very easy to make these templates as has been elucidated in this article. You will hopefully have no issue using this template for creating one for your business.