A collective noun is used to name a group of persons, animals, or things. Penlighten provides a few examples of collective nouns along with a list of the most commonly used ones.
Did You Know?
While a group of girls is called a giggle, that of boys is called a blush.
A noun is a part of speech, which is used to name a person, place, or a thing. Nouns are mainly divided into proper nouns and common nouns. A proper noun is used for a particular person, place, or a thing (e.g. John), whereas a common noun is a common name given to every person or thing of the same class (e.g. boy).
A collective noun is a type of common noun which is used to name a group of persons or things. Since they refer to a group of nouns as a unit, they are considered to be a subset of countable nouns.
A few collective nouns, for example: group or bunch, are very commonly used in everyday speech. Say, bunch can be used for keys, flowers, and bananas. Given below is a list of subjects along with their most commonly used collective nouns.
Examples of Collective Nouns in Sentences
» The audience loved his performance.
» The army is ready to attack.
» She gave him a bunch of bananas.
» The winning team was celebrating.
» The gang was planning to rob the bank.
» We were going through my childhood album.
» The herd is grazing.
» Anne went to the nearest library.
» John was the only boy in the class.
» The forest was very dense.

Subject | Collective Noun |
1. Artists | Troupe |
2. Athletes | Team |
3. Bishops | Bench |
4. Boys | Blush |
5. Clerks | School |
6. Clowns | Alley |
7. Comedians | Riot |
8. Crooks | Bunch |
9. Dancers | Group |
10. Directors | Board |
11. Employees | Staff |
12. Experts | Panel |
13. Gamblers | Talent |
14. Girls | Giggle |
15. Hunters | Blast |
16. Knights | Banner |
17. Laborers | Gang |
18. Ladies | Bevy |
19. Lawyers | Eloquence |
20. Listeners | Audience |
21. Magicians | Illusion |
22. Men | Band |
23. Merchants | Faith |
24. Musicians | Band |
25. Natives | Tribe |
26. People | Group |
27. Pilots | Crew |
28. Players | Team |
29. Poets | Rhyme |
30. Professors | Pomposity |
31. Refugees | Flight |
32. Robbers | Band |
33. Sailors | Crew |
34. Schoolboys | Rout |
35. Senators | House |
36. Servants | Obeisance |
37. Singers | Choir |
38. Shoemakers | Blackening |
39. Shoppers | Crush |
40. Soldiers | Army |
41. Students | Class |
42. Teachers | Quiz |
43. Thieves | Gang |
44. Tourists | Flock |
45. Walkers | Amble |
46. Web-masters | Net |
47. Wives | Impatience |
48. Women | Gaggle |
49. Worshipers | Congregation |
50. Writers | Bevy |

Subject | Collective Noun |
1. Ants | Army |
2. Apes | Troop |
3. Bees | Hive |
4. Buffaloes | Herd |
5. Camels | Herd |
6. Cats | Clowder |
7. Chickens | Brood |
8. Cows | Dairy |
9. Crows | Murder |
10. Cubs | Litter |
11. Deer | Herd |
12. Dogs | Kennel |
13. Dolphins | School |
14. Doves | Flight |
15. Ducks | Team |
16. Eagles | Convocation |
17. Fish | School |
18. Elephants | Herd |
19. Flamingos | Stand |
20. Frogs | Army |
21. Geese | Flock |
22. Hawks | Cast |
23. Horses | Team |
24. Hummingbirds | Charm |
25. Jays | Party |
26. Leopards | Leap |
27. Lions | Pride |
28. Nightingales | Watch |
29. Owls | Parliament |
30. Parrots | Company |
31. Peacocks | Muster |
32. Penguins | Parcel |
33. Pigeons | Flight |
34. Puppies | Litter |
35. Rabbits | Bevy |
36. Ravens | Unkindness |
37. Scorpions | Bed |
38. Sheep | Flock |
39. Squirrels | Dray |
40. Sparrows | Host |
41. Storks | Muster |
42. Swans | Herd |
43. Tigers | Ambush |
44. Turtles | Bale |
45. Vultures | Colony |
46. Whales | School |
47. Wolves | Pack |
48. Woodpeckers | Descent |
49. Worms | Bed |
50. Zebras | Herd |

Subject | Collective Noun |
1. Arrows | Quiver |
2. Autographs | Album |
3. Bananas | Bunch |
4. Blushes | Hedge |
5. Books | Library |
6. Cards | Pack/deck |
7. Chairs | Fold |
8. Cigarettes | Packet |
9. Coins | Rouleau |
10. Diamonds | Cluster |
11. Documents | Wealth |
12. Drawers | Chest |
13. Drinks | Round |
14. Dust | Cloud |
15. Eggs | Clutch |
16. Firewood | Bundle |
17. Flowers | Bouquet |
18. Fruit | Basket |
19. Furniture | Suite |
20. Hair | Lock |
21. Helicopters | Hover |
22. Grapes | Bunch |
23. Islands | Group |
24. Jewels | Cache |
25. Keys | Ring |
26. Lies | Pack |
27. Machine guns | Nest |
28. Maps | Atlas |
29. Mountains | Range |
30. Notes | Wad |
31. Onions | Rope |
32. Papers | Budget |
33. Pearls | String |
34. Peas | Pod |
35. Photographs | Album |
36. Pistols | Brace |
37. Poems | Anthology |
38. Rubbish | Heap |
39. Ships | Fleet |
40. Shrubs | Shrubbery |
41. Stamps | Album |
42. Stars | Galaxy |
43. Tanks | Clank |
44. Tarot cards | Arcana |
45. Teddy bears | Hug |
46. Tools | Set |
47. Trees | Forest |
48. Umbrellas | Phalanx |
49. Willows | Bed |
50. Wood | Stack |
The list of collective nouns is endless, and the above article lists just a few of them. Make sure to add new ones to your list as you come across them.