When you hear the name C. S. Lewis, the first thing to pop into your head will probably be ‘Narnia!’. Yes, he is the famous author of this much-loved series of books and movies. This Penlighten article provides a list of all the books by C. S. Lewis in chronological order.
Quiet Goodbye …
Despite being such a renowned author, C. S. Lewis’s death was not a very publicized event because the day he died, i.e., on November 22, 1963, was also the day President Kennedy was assassinated.
Born Clive Staple Lewis and known as Jack to his near and dear ones, C. S. Lewis is a world renowned author, especially popular for his fantasy-fiction book series, The Chronicles of Narnia. Some of the books in the series have since been turned into very successful movies that have been loved by grown-ups and kids alike. Apart from this, Mr. Lewis wrote many more fictional and non-fictional books. He was also an academician, poet, and essayist. The following paragraphs provide a list of all his books, divided into fiction and non-fiction, along with their publishing year.
The Pilgrim’s Regress
Year of Publishing – 1933
This is Lewis’s first work of prose to ever be published. The story is about a man named John, who starts out in search of an island that he greatly desires. He has just had a glimpse of this island, which he has been unable to forget. The story is about his desire that makes him undertake the journey, and about the journey itself.
The Space Trilogy
This is Lewis’s very first fictional series. As you can see, there is quite a gap between the publishing dates of all three books.
Out of the Silent Planet
Year of Publishing – 1938
Most of the action in this book takes place on Mars. The story’s hero, Elwin Ransom, takes a trip to Mars when he realizes that the earth has been shunned from the solar system. He soon finds out that the Earth’s Oyarsa (planet ruler) has turned evil. Hence, to prevent this from adversely affecting the rest of the solar system, the Earth has now been made a ‘silent planet’.
Year of Publishing – 1943
This book is also known as Voyage to Venus, which makes it quite evident that it is set on Venus (Perelandra). Here, Elwin Ransom goes to Venus on the orders of the Mars Oyarsa seen in Out of the Silent Planet, to save the Venusian humanoids from an attack by the Earth’s Oyarsa. It tells us all about Ransom’s adventures on Venus and his consequent return to earth.
That Hideous Strength
Year of Publishing – 1946
In this book, Elwin Ransom is not the main hero. This book is set on earth, where the National Institute of Coordinated Experiments (N.I.C.E.), a huge organization known for its advanced scientific work, is in search of the body of the famous wizard, Merlin. It is collaborating with demons from another planet to take control of the Earth.
The Screwtape Letters
Year of Publishing – 1942
These are a series of letters written by a demon called Screwtape, to his demon nephew Wormwood, who is a novice put in charge of a person, who is referred to as ‘the patient’. Wormwood is supposed to tempt this human and make him err, thus bringing him closer to Hell (Satan) and away from Heaven (God). It aptly describes the human nature. The patient has been shown to convert to Christianity, and the book also describes various areas of temptation such as gluttony, sex, and pride, with which Wormwood is supposed to sway him. The book ends with the patient going to Heaven and Wormwood being destroyed by other demons.
The Great Divorce
Year of Publishing – 1945
The person who is telling this story has mysteriously found himself in a very ominous and gloomy place known as the “gray town”. Wanting to leave, he boards a crowded bus to another town. This new town is beautiful, but none of the new arrivals are able to enjoy it, because everything is too heavy for them to lift, even a leaf. They are soon welcomed by spirits who tell them that this is the path to heaven, and that they need to forsake some things to get there. It shows how the human mind works, and how we are not willing to let go of something for something better. A unique concept indeed.
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Year of Publishing – 1950
This book was the first of the series that introduced us to the enchanting world of Narnia. The four Pevensie children, Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter, are living with an old professor after having to leave London due to World War II. At his house, they come across a wardrobe that leads to another world called Narnia. The book revolves around the children helping Aslan the lion save the land from the evil witch. The witch is defeated, and the four children become the rulers of Narnia.
Prince Caspian
Year of Publishing – 1951
In this book, the children return to Narnia because a prince named Caspian calls to them for help. More than a millennium has passed since they left, and they are shocked to find Narnia ravaged, and the evil Miraz sitting on the throne. Miraz is Caspian’s uncle, who has betrayed his parents and become king. Caspian wants to defeat him, for which he needs help from the Pevensies.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Year of Publishing -1952
This book has only Lucy and Edmund, and a new character named Eustace Scrubb, who is their cousin. They join prince Caspian aboard the Dawn Treader, and set sail to find those lords who Miraz got rid of once he came to power. The book follows their adventures aboard the ship, and all the interesting people and creatures that they meet on their journey.
The Silver Chair
Year of Publishing – 1953
The Silver Chair stars Eustace and his friend Jill Pole, who are called to Narnia by Aslan to find prince Rilian, prince Caspian’s son. Rilian has left over a decade ago to find those who killed his mother and avenge her death. But he has not returned. This book shows the trouble and adventure the two children go through in their journey. The Pevensies do not appear in this book as main characters.
The Horse and His Boy
Year of Publishing – 1954
As with The Silver Chair, the main protagonists of this book are not the Pevensie children, though the book is set during their reign over Narnia. The story involves two people and two talking horses, who are separately held captive in another country, and plan their individual escapes to Narnia. They meet each other on the way and make the journey together.
The Magician’s Nephew
Year of Publishing – 1955
The book revolves around two friends, Digory Kirk and Polly Plummer. Digory’s uncle has created two magic rings, which the children put on one day, enabling them to enter many different worlds. They also get to witness how Aslan creates Narnia. The 12-year-old Digory is the same professor who houses the Pevensie children 4 decades later, and in whose house they find the entrance to Narnia.
The Last Battle
Year of Publishing – 1956
The Last Battle is about a foolish donkey who makes a great deal of trouble by pretending to be Aslan, which causes a battle between the other rulers of the land, in turn leading to the ruin and end of Narnia.
Till We Have Faces
Year of Publishing – 1956
This book is the story of Cupid and Psyche, retold by Lewis because he believed that some parts of the original were inconsistent. This story is narrated by Orual, Psyche’s sister. When Psyche is commanded to be married to the God of the Mountain, Orual is hurt. As nobody has seen this God’s face, Orual convinces her sister to do so, which results in the marriage breaking up. Everyone believes that Orual did this to Psyche out of jealousy, which is why she decides to tell everyone the truth. This two-part book is her side of the story.
Ministering Angels
Year of Publishing – 1958
This book is set entirely on Mars. A group of men explore the planet, when another group of people from earth land there. There are two women in this new group who are sent to woo and have carnal relationships with these men, because they have been alone on Mars for a long time. The book revolves around the events that happen from this point forward, and gives readers a message that there is more to humans than just physical relationships. An interesting concept!
Screwtape Proposes a Toast
Year of Publishing – 1961
This is an essay that is usually attached with The Screwtape Letters. It is a toast made by the demon Screwtape during dinner one night at the Tempters’ Training College for demons. He criticizes the current system of public education, and all the faults in it that have brought it down. It is set in the backdrop of World War II and compares the educational methods of the West and the Communists. It has a strong political theme.
Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer
Year of Publishing – 1964
Malcolm is an imaginary person to whom the author addresses the letters in this book. It is mainly about the author’s take on prayer. He says that prayer is a medium for a person to communicate with God. He also gets into the details of prayer, such as when and how it must be done. Other aspects that the author elaborates on are the various types of prayer, and their importance and effects. He also talks about rebirth.
The Dark Tower
Year of Publishing – 1977
The Dark Tower is an unfinished story that is believed to be the original sequel to Out of the Silent Planet. Once, an academician developed a device, a chronoscope, to see into the parallel universe called “Othertime”. The villain of the story is a semi-human with a horn on his head, known as the Unicorn, who is the ruler of “Othertime”. He wishes to build a prestigious university there, stinging and turning people into slaves to do his bidding. The story revolves around time travel, the adventures of entering into another universe, and one very mean unicorn.
Year of Publishing – 1985
This book has been written together by Lewis and his brother Warnie, in their childhood. It is about an entirely different world having only animals in it, called Animal-Land. It is complete with the architecture, politics, and different residents of this place, all explained in detail.
The Allegory of Love: A Study in Medieval Tradition
Year of Publishing – 1936
An allegory means using a medium such as art or song to depict a particular idea. This book talks about using allegory in love, in the form of ‘courtly love’. Courtly love meant that which was full of chivalry. For example, a knight performing heroic acts to win over a lady love. The book traces the growth of courtly love through its various stages. The first two chapters cover this aspect, while the rest consist of poems about the same.
Rehabilitations and Other Essays
Year of Publishing – 1939
No synopsis available.
The Personal Heresy: A Controversy (with E. M. W. Tillyard)
Year of Publishing – 1939
This book contains six essays. It has been co-authored by C. S. Lewis and Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall Tillyard, with each having written three essays. The main topic is about the authors’ differing points of view about poetry. Tillyard believed that poetry comes from within the poet, and that the poet is superior to other people. Lewis believed that poetry could be created by anyone, and believed in writing poems that could be understood by everyone.
The Problem of Pain
Year of Publishing – 1940
C. S. Lewis was a complete Christian at heart, and this book deals with the aspect of suffering explained from a Christian point of view. Questions such as why God allows evil to manifest the earth are raised in this book. It beautifully tries to combine the concepts of suffering with the Christian belief that God is kind and fair to all. A wonderfully written piece of literature.
A Preface to Paradise Lost
Year of Publishing – 1942
This immensely popular book is a take on John Milton’s famous – Paradise Lost. This piece of writing has Lewis questioning why only ‘great poets’ can give their judgment about Paradise Lost, and also why there is a need to write poetry in a way that brings out a typical response in all the readers, instead of just being direct. These and many more amusing things are included in A Preface to Paradise Lost, making it an enjoyable read.
The Abolition of Man
Year of Publishing – 1943
The Abolition of Man deals with the subject of education, and lists the importance of not doing away with or forgetting its natural value, along with the unpleasant consequences lest that occurs. Under the title, you will find the words “Reflections on education with special reference to the teaching of English in the upper forms of schools”. The book was read for the very first time as a three-part lecture at King’s College, Newcastle.
Year of Publishing – 1947
This book was written in 1947 and then revised in 1960. Here, Lewis addresses the possibility of miracles actually taking place. He blames modern thinkers for making people believe that miracles are not real and cannot happen. He says that we must first confirm whether miracles can really take place, and the practical possibility of it.
Arthurian Torso
Year of Publishing – 1948
The sub-title of this book is “Containing the Posthumous Fragment of the ‘Figure of Arthur'”. It is written by Charles Williams, and contains a commentary by Lewis about the Arthurian poems composed by Williams.
Mere Christianity
Year of Publishing – 1952
This book has been inspired by radio talk shows conducted by BBC between 1942-44. It has been divided into three sections: The Case for Christianity (1942), Christian Behavior (1943), and Beyond Personality (1944). It is based on theology, which is an analytical study about God and religion.
Major British Writers, Volume I
Year of Publishing – 1954
No synopsis available.
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century Excluding Drama
Year of Publishing – 1954
In this book, Lewis divides the literature of the sixteenth century into three separate periods, the Late Medieval, Drab, and Golden. It talks about the current and changing scenario in English literature. The first book deals with what is left of the Medieval period in the late Medieval. The second and third books deal with changes in literature in the Drab and Golden ages.
Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life
Year of Publishing – 1955
This is an autobiography written by C. S. Lewis, although it does not recount his entire life. The main theme of this book is Lewis’s discovery of Joy, and how he gives it his own meaning in his life. He also describes his journey from being an atheist to becoming a believer and converting to Christianity.
Reflections on the Psalms
Year of Publishing – 1958
This book is a discussion about the Psalms in the Bible. It will be easy to read for those who know the Bible very well, because otherwise a reader will have to keep referring to it from time to time. Although 150 Psalms are discussed in this book, not all are noted in it. The Coverdale Prayer Book has been the source for most of the Psalms quoted in this book.
The Four Loves
This book explores the concept of love and its true nature from a Christian point of view. Lewis says that there are three types of love: need love, gift love, and appreciative love. He also focuses on the four aspects of love, which are friendship, affection, unconditional love, and romance. The book was based on a 1958 radio talk show that was quite open about the issue of sex, being a little ahead of its time.
Studies in Words
Year of Publishing – 1960
This is a very interesting book because it deals with the study of words. In this book, Lewis traces the history of some commonly used words like sad, conscious, nature, sense, wit, etc., and traces their history right to their origins not only in English, but also in other ancient languages. It also studies the changes in meanings the words went through, and how there is a strong chance that the meaning today and the meaning before may be different.
The World’s Last Night and Other Essays
Year of Publishing – 1960
This is a collection of essays written by Lewis and published in 1960, three years before his death. The main essay in this book is about the return of Jesus Christ to earth, or his ‘second coming’. Some other topics covered in it revolve around prayer, religion, and belief.
An Experiment in Criticism
Year of Publishing – 1961
Here, a very interesting concept about the quality of a book is observed. Lewis says that a book must not be judged by just its content, but more emphasis must be given on the type of reader. He says that there are readers who will read a book just once or condemn a book that is not well-written, and then there are readers who will learn something new every time they re-read the same book, and will also try to gain more knowledge from a poorly written one. This is because they approach it without judgment and a preconceived notion about its ‘quality’.
A Grief Observed
Year of Publishing – 1961
This book is about the grief and trials the author deals with after the death of his wife, Joy Davidman. When the book was first published, Lewis used a pen name, N.W. Clerk. In the book, he refers to his wife as H (her first name was Helen). It is based on a set of notebooks that Lewis had kept, wherein he used to write about his deep sadness upon his bereavement. It was re-published under his name only in 1963, after his death.
They Asked for a Paper: Papers and Addresses
Year of Publishing – 1962
This book is a compilation of many essays that were written by Lewis. This was one of his last works before his death in 1963. The essays include various topics like literature, society, social sciences, theology, etc.
The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature
Year of Publishing – 1964
This book was published after Lewis’s death. It deals with many aspects, but primarily the model of the universe. Lewis describes how the universe was believed to be in the middle ages, and how it was a notion that it was not unending, but in fact definite, and the Medieval belief about the science and nature of the universe.
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
Year of Publishing – 1966
This book is a rather unique compilation of many essays, reviews, and articles written by Lewis. These are some articles that may be otherwise difficult to find, making this book a collector’s item. Lewis takes some works of Milton, Spenser, Dante, and other great writers as examples to explain the methods of criticism that were employed in olden times, giving the reader a proper understanding of these works.
Spenser’s Images of Life
Year of Publishing – 1966
This is a compilation of many notes written by C. S. Lewis, and was published by Alastair Fowler. It talks about God as being a ‘glad creator’ of the universe, and also talks about someone called the Faerie Queene as being a grand celebration of everything in this universe. It is one of the lengthiest books by this author.
Letters to an American Lady
Year of Publishing – 1967
This is a collection of a series of letters that Lewis wrote to an American woman, whom he strangely never met. It ranges across a vast array of topics, universal to downright trivial. It gives readers a look at the other side of Lewis that they never knew. His personal thoughts and views are present here for everyone to see, to know him as someone more than just a great writer, a human being.
Christian Reflections
Year of Publishing – 1967
This collection of 14 papers is all about Christianity. In this book, Lewis tries to make a point that though there are different parts in Christianity, it is still one religion and everyone is united under it. The book talks about Christianity and culture, music, literature, ethics, Psalms, and many more topics. Lewis tries to establish a common ground for everyone within the vastness of Christianity.
Selected Literary Essays
Year of Publishing – 1969
This book is a compilation of twenty essays that were written by Lewis between 1932 – 62. These essays are some of his most important literary works to date.
God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics
Year of Publishing – 1971
This book, as the title suggests, is a collection of essays about theology and ethics. It covers topics related to science and religion, Christianity, and the challenges that it faced during the transition of the world to the Modernist era.
Of Other Worlds
Year of Publishing – 1982
This book is divided into two parts: essays and stories. The essay section consists of those written on science fiction, fairies, criticism, and some more. The story section contains short stories that have been written by Lewis.
The Business Of Heaven:Daily Readings From the Writings of C. S. Lewis
Year of Publishing – 1984
This book contains one piece of Lewis’s writing for each day. The writings are inspiring and comforting, and prove to be a wonderful read. Some of the topics covered here are love, pain, and the impact that prayer can have on us. The excerpts are taken from some of his popular books.
Present Concerns
Year of Publishing – 1986
This is a collection of 19 essays that ranges in scope from values to literature to spirituality. Some topics included here are about chivalry, living in a world where everyone and everything is so different from what it used to be, and even about the English language and democratic education.
All My Road Before Me: The Diary of C. S. Lewis 1922 – 27
Year of Publishing – 1991
This is a diary written by the author when he was quite young, between the ages of 24 and 29. This book gives readers an insight into the working of the mind of a young Lewis, who was very different from the sensible and grown-up writer we see otherwise; how the dilemmas of his life then were very different from those a few years later.
Compelling Reason: Essays on Ethics and Theology
Year of Publishing – 1996
This book is also a compilation of essays on theology, religion, and science. Lewis said that using logic and reason when it comes to faith and beliefs is the way to go. He also believed that baseless and unscientific beliefs can cause more harm than good.
Essay Collection: Literature, Philosophy and Short Stories
Year of Publishing – 2000
This book contains a total of sixty essays written by Lewis on various subjects, and also some of his short stories. The essays range across a wide variety of topics, from literature to philosophy and history. The short stories included here are all pieces of fiction.
Essay Collection: Faith, Christianity and the Church
Year of Publishing – 2000
The essays included in this volume are all religious, and are to do with the church, prayer, faith, and God.
Collected Letters, Vol. I: Family Letters 1905 – 1931
Year of Publishing – 2000
This book is a collection of letters from Lewis’s childhood days, and the time he was called to war. They include letters to his friends, describing the war, and also Lewis’s thoughts about God and religion. They give the reader an insight into how these letters went on to influence many of his future writings.
Collected Letters, Vol. II: Books, Broadcasts and War 1931 – 1949
Year of Publishing – 2004
The second volume of collected letters include those written by Lewis to his new friends, known as the Inklings, which also included J. R. R. Tolkien. By this time, Lewis had written The Allegory of Love, which had become quite popular. It also includes his correspondence with his brother Warnie, who was off fighting during World War II.
Collected Letters, Vol. III: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950 – 1963
Year of Publishing – 2007
The final volume includes more letters written by Lewis to his friends, and also talks about the topics he was interested in writing about. It also includes the story of his marriage, and the time he was writing his first book in the infamous Narnia series.
This was a list of all the books, essays, and letters written by Clive Staple Lewis, in the order of their publishing year. There are very few writers who can make you think for days about a single piece of writing or influence you to do something out of the ordinary, and Mr. Lewis is one of them.