Proofreading symbols are commonly used to mark mistakes in a text. Using them is an efficient method of correcting mistakes. To make your work easier, a printable chart of proofreading marks with their meanings has been provided in this Penlighten article.
The Reverse Way
Reading each sentence backward is an excellent method of proofreading your own work. We tend to spot more mistakes. Make sure that you read each and every word carefully.
A single mistake can mess an entire article. Proofreading, therefore, plays a major role in writing. Writing each and every mistake on the article is not feasible or aesthetically pleasing. Using proofreading marks is the more appropriate method. It is also beneficial if students are proofreading the work of their peers. You can master all these marks only by using them repeatedly.
Having a chart handy in this regard will help you to refer and correct your mistakes immediately. There are some standard proofreading marks. The method is common; the marks are made on the text and corrections are written in the margin.
Proofreading Marks and Their Meanings
Symbol | Meaning |
‘ | Apostrophe |
Bold-small | |
[ / ] | Brackets |
≡ | Caps |
[ ] | Center-margin |
Close-margin | |
: | Colon |
, | Comma |
— | Dash |
Delete | |
Delete-close | |
Diamond | |
Dot lead | |
“ | Double quote mark(s) |
… | Ellipsis |
⊗ | Font |
Font damage | |
– | Hyphen |
Increase line | |
Indent – remove margin | |
5 em | Indent – size |
⋌ | Insert |
# | Insert space |
Invert | |
Italic | |
⇤ | Justify left margin |
stet | Let stand |
No para | |
Para | |
( / ) | Parenthesis |
? | Query |
OK/? | Query to author |
Reduce line | |
Reduce space | |
⨯ | Remove |
Remove caps | |
Remove italic | |
; | Semicolon |
═ | Small caps |
Solidus | |
Space margin | |
‘ | Single quote mark(s) |
Stet margin | |
⨀ | Stop |
Subscript | |
Superscript | |
Set farther to the left | |
Set farther to the right | |
Space evenly | |
Sp | Spell out |
Regular usage of these proofreading marks will help you to remember them better. You can also use them to proofread your own work, for more practice. The symbols are standard, but could have little variations in some cases.