Did you know that "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" (a type of lung disease) is currently coined as the longest word of the English language? Fascinating, isn't it? There are many more long and complicated words in the English language which people are not aware of, and this article lists most of these words.
Many people take a keen interest in keeping a track of difficult words that are formed in the English language. Making a list of interesting words in English language requires a lot of hard thinking, because new words keep getting discovered and added daily. This might sound very obvious but the fear of such difficult words is itself a very long word.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia means fear of pronouncing long words. The list given below has some popular uncommon and difficult words with their definitions.
Abatude | Money that has been clipped off to make change |
Abligurition | Spending a large amount of money on food |
Acrasia | Lack of self control |
Accismus | Pretend to be not interested when you are really interested in something |
Agelast | Someone who never laughs |
Agonistarch | A coach |
Agowilt | Dreaded fear |
Bablatrice | Talkative woman |
Baithe | To agree |
Batta | Extra pay |
Battologist | A person who repeats the same thing unnecessarily |
Blive | Immediately |
Bubulcitate | Cry like a cowboy |
Bouquinist | Someone who deals in second-hand books |
Callipygian | It’s an adjective and it means having shapely buttocks |
Chadband | Someone who is hypocritical and unctuous |
Chirocracy | Government by physical force |
Catoptromancy | Foretelling the future |
Concinnous | Neat and eloquent |
Cromulent | Acceptable |
Cunctipotent | Having all things |
Dactylonomy | Counting on your fingers |
Deipnosophist | A good conversationalist at meals |
Delitescent | Something which is hidden |
Deturpate | To make something ugly |
Diazingiber | A kind of ginger candy |
Digitigradient | To walk on your toes |
Drawcansir | A person who kills both his friends and foes |
Elaqueate | To get free from entanglements |
Encomiums | Formal praises |
Epithymy | Lust |
Ergophobic | A person who fears work |
Equivoque | Something that has been given a similar name as something else |
Erinaceous | People with bristly manners |
Expergefaction | Waking up |
Fagin | A person who trains other people in crime |
Faineant | Loafer |
Festuceous | Like a straw |
Finnimbrun | A trinket |
Flambuginous | Deception |
Flosculous | Flowery |
Furciferous | Brat |
Gaberlunzie | A beggar |
Gadzookery | Use of archaic words |
Gallinipper | A large mosquito |
Geoponic | Anything related to farming |
Glaikery | Foolish conduct |
Gongoozler | An idle person or rubbernecker |
Halieutic | Relates to fishing |
Harbargery | A place where you find entertainment |
Heimganger | A person who always stays at home |
Heptamerous | Something that has 7 parts |
Hiccius Doccius | A magical phrase |
Iatraliptic | A doctor who cures ailments using lotion or cream |
Icterical | Colored with yellow |
Illatration | Barking at someone |
Impeticos | A word included in a dialog to make its presenter look like a fool |
Infelicific | Female investigator |
Insangelous | Equal to the angels |
Jaculiferous | To have prickles |
Jectigation | Trembling movement |
Kakistocracy | A government which is run by its bad citizens |
Kyriolexy | Proper speaking |
Laetificant | Something which acts as an anti-depressant |
Leggiadrous | Elegant |
Ludibrious | To be the center of a joke |
Macroseism | Earthquake |
Magirology | The science of cooking |
Mesonoxian | Relates to midnight |
Moriologist | A person who has been hired to mourn at a funeral |
Motatorious | In continuous motion |
Mututatial | Something which is borrowed |
Nabocklish | Leaving something alone |
Naufragate | To destroy something |
Nimfadaro | A male who is well dressed and popular with women |
Nocency | Guilt |
Nomothete | Legislator |
Nudiustertian | The day before yesterday |
Obambulate | Wander about |
Oggannition | Growling |
Ombrifuge | Shelter from rain |
Ooglification | To replace a “oo” sound with another vowel to make the word slang |
Ostrobogulous | Bizarre |
Passiuncle | A petty passion |
Pelmatogram | Footprint |
Percibrate | To move fast |
Percunctorily | Lazy |
Perhendinancer | Traveler |
Philopolemical | Love to fight |
Pyknic | A person who has a round belly and head and who has a tendency to put on weight |
Quadragenarian | A person who is 40, but doesn’t make a big deal out of it |
Quatervois | Crossroads |
Rampallion | A Scoundrel |
Relexification | Replacing a word or phrase in one language with a word or phrase from another language which corresponds to it |
Sanquinolency | Addicted to bloodshed |
Scrimshandrix | A woman who makes a scrimshow |
Squnitifego | A person who squints a lot |
Tegestology | Collecting beer mats |
Terpsichorean | Related to dancing |
Tragematopolist | Candy Seller |
Tristichous | Arranged in three rows or ranks |
Ubiquarian | A person who goes everywhere |
Unwelewable | To be unfadeable |
Verticordious | To turn the heart away from evil |
Viscerotonic | An easygoing personality |
Weddinger | A guest at a wedding |
Xanthippe | A woman with a bad temper |
Xylopyrography | An art of creating wood designs by using a hot poker |
Yesterang | Something that was caught yesterday |
Zabernism | The abuse of authority |
Long Complicated Words
The list of complex words which are long and difficult to pronounce is endless. For people who love knowing such confusing words, here are some more examples.
Floccinaucinihilipiiification: Estimation that something is valueless.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian: Means a very long phrase.
Honorificabilitudinitatibus: Honorableness.
Tetramethyldiaminobenzhydrylphosphinous: A type of acid.
Dimethylamidophenyldimethylpyrazolone: A checmical term.
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu: It is a hill in New Zealand.
Gorsafawddachaidraigodanheddogleddolonpenrhynareurdraethceredigion: A town in Wales.
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch: A town in Northern Wales.
Chargogagogmanchargogagogcharbunagungamog: Another name for lake Webster in Massachusetts.
So these are some of the most difficult words in the English language that I could find for you people. If you want to find some more, you can search on the Internet and the various dictionaries. Have I missed out on any long cool words to say? I must have, so do give your valuable comments and suggestions.