Opinion-based essays that make use of facts in elaborating and adding credibility to the content can be referred to as editorials. The following article deals with some interesting editorial topics to write about.
Editorials are write-ups that are similar to essays in which editors put forth their views regarding a topic they feel strongly about. Generally, a subject taken up by editors relates to current events or happenings in their surroundings. The editorials reflect facts and opinions related to a topic in a precise and concise manner. The editor’s analysis of the given subject is also added to the content being written. Editorials help the readers gain an insight on their social environment, its economics and also the culture of their surroundings. Such kind of write-ups help the reader gain an understanding of a particular subject from different point of views. This article presents a list of variety of topics that you can choose from, for writing editorials.
Interesting Editorial Topics to Write About
The popular topics that one can think about for writing editorials are included in the following list.
- Global Warming
- Future of GM Foods
- Pros and Cons of Organic Farming
Topics chosen for writing are such that readers can relate to them. A thoughtful and comprehensive analysis which takes into account the facts and ground realities should be presented in an editorial. Editorials written for newspapers enjoy a wider coverage in comparison to those written for magazines or journals. Generally, the topics meant for editorials of newspapers cover issues related to present-day politics and economics; here is a short list.
- The Victory of Obama
- War in Iraq
- Swine Flu Outbreak
There are many issues that can be used for writing editorials. They can be grouped under categories like environmental issues, economics, technology, etc. You may also think of adding more topics to the list to extend it as much as possible.
Editorials for Newspapers
The editorials that are written for newspapers deal with current affairs. Such editorials need to be comprehensive in terms of the information they cover; the subjects chosen for writing should also be thought-provoking. Generally, subjects like politics, business and sports are covered under such editorials. An editorial needs to be unbiased and clear in the way it presents facts and ideas. Here are some of the current topics to write about for newspapers.
Editorial Topics on Environmental Issues
There is great variety in topics that one can choose from, when writing on environmental issues. Those interested in discussing environmental issues can voice their opinions through such editorials. Loss of habitat of wild animals, depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, etc. are some of the problems associated with the degradation of environment. Here is a list of editorial topics that one can use for writing on environmental issues.
- Depletion of Earth’s Natural Resources
- Effects of Oil Spills on the Environment
- Acid Rain Problems and Solutions
- Effects of Global Warming on Animals
- Challenges Facing Wildlife Conservation
- The Effects of Melting Glaciers on Polar Fauna
- Working to Eliminate E-waste
- Preventing Genetic Erosion
Editorial Topics on Economics
For an editor to find some interesting topics for editorials, it is important that he/she keeps track of happenings in different fields. Economics is one subject which needs to be given due consideration while writing editorials. The topics which you may have to handle when writing on economics include world trade, status of economies of developing and developed nations, economic problems, poverty in under-developed countries, etc.
- Economic Recession
- Role of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) Nations in the 21st century
- US Economy
- Policies of the World Economic Forum
- Pros and Cons of Outsourcing
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Fuel Economy
- Relation Between Good Economics and Good Politics
- Effects of Olympics on the Economy of Host Nations
Editorials about Health Issues
There are many topics on health issues that you can use for writing. In fact, writing editorials is one of the best ways to create awareness about health issues. Here are few important editorial topics pertaining to health issues.
- Ill Effects of Junk Food
- Malnutrition in Third World
- Benefits of Organic Food Consumption
- Obesity Problems in Developed Countries
- Health Education
- Bioterrorism
- Food Safety
- Dealing with Problems of Sedentary Lifestyle
Editorials on Science and Technology
With changes developments fast taking place on the technology front, new gadgets and gizmos are being invented almost everyday. There are rapid changes taking place in the field of science and technology. These changes affect our day-to-day life in many ways. One can think about writing on following topics related to science and technology.
- Natural Gas Cars Pros and Cons
- Future of Nuclear Weapons
- Health Information Technology (HIT)
- Trends in the Mobile Phone Industry
- Internet Technology
- Hydrogen Fuel Cell for Cars
- Nanotechnology
- Is it Possible to Inhabit Mars
- Future of the Smartphone Industry
Editorial Topics on Agriculture
The editorial topics on agriculture talk about opportunities and issues pertaining to agriculture in today’s world scenario.
- Future of Organic Farming
- Agricultural Production and Food Crisis
- Carbon Credits and Farming
- Pros and Cons of Genetically-modified Crops
General Topics for Editorials
This section contains some of the general topics to write on. Issues raised by journalists, editors and people in general can be included in the list of general topics.
- Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment
- Do Women Make Better Teachers than Men
- Are Elections the Best Test of Democracy
- Is Money the Biggest Motivator in Life
- Challenges of Editorial Independence
Magazine Editorials
The magazine editorials are written for a certain, ‘target audience’ and they deal with niche topics. There are different types of magazines operating in different fields like sports, lifestyle, entertainment industry, etc. Let’s find out some interesting editorial topics for such magazines.
Sports Topics
The editorial topics for sports can help in drawing the reader’s attention to different issues in this field, the performing teams, players, etc.
- Significance of Olympics
- How do Sports Bridge National Boundaries
- Doping – How is it Affecting Sports?
- National Team vs Professional Teams
- Contribution of Sports in Reducing Crimes
Lifestyle Topics
There many topics that one can write on through lifestyle editorials. Let us take a look at the topics that can be placed under lifestyle editorials.
- Social Relations in the 21st Century
- Green Lifestyle – Influence of Global Warming
- Social and Cultural Changes Induced by Globalization
Entertainment Topics
Editorials on these topics often deal with the current events in entertainment & media industry. Such type editorial topics are preferred by film journalists and entertainment magazine editors.
- Best Anime Movies of All Time
- Importance of Public Opinion in Media
- Who’s a Style Icon?
- Academy Awards – Do the most deserving win them?
- Why are we so Obsessed with Celebrities?
Editorials are not just written for newspapers or magazines in public circulation. Even school magazines that are meant for private circulation reserve space for editorial columns. Editorial topics for such magazines are related to issues faced by school kids. Let us take a look at some of the high school and middle school editorial topics to write on.
Editorial Topics for High School Students
The editorial topics for high school students should be such that they not only appeal to children, but also present before them the problems of the real world.
- Ill-effects of Child Labor
- Dealing with Adolescent Depression
- Is Social Networking Good for You?
- Vending Machines in Schools – Pros and Cons
- Obsession with Weight Loss
Editorial Topics for Middle School Students
The editorial topics for kids should be interesting to write on and they should arouse the reader’s interest. School kids can start with subjects like forthcoming elections in their town, ill-effects of consuming fast food, etc. Such editorials help in creating awareness in children about what’s happening around them. It is observed that children enjoy doing work that involves asking questions and finding information. Such type of activities allow children to sharpen their analytical skills and satiate their curiosity. You may choose from the following editorial topics for middle school.
- Importance of Health Education
- Should Smoking be Made Illegal
- Consequences of Teenage Smoking
- Negative and Positive Effects of Peer Pressure
Good editorial topics are those which take into account the information needs of readers and are appealing. The editorial topics to write about need to be interesting to read. Finally, you should present before readers a write-up that is comprehensive and which contains sufficient information relevant to the topic.