This article will help you choose the right words and the right way to say goodbye to your colleagues when you are leaving your current job. Have a look…
Saying goodbye is always a bit difficult, especially if you have shared a very healthy professional relationship with your colleagues. You may be moving to a new department, found a new job, or are retiring from your current position. Before you leave, you need to say goodbye to all your workmates. It is not possible to say goodbye to each and everyone in the office, but a letter to all your coworkers will help send across your personal farewell message to all.
A farewell letter to coworkers is supposed to be short and specific. You should start with your announcement of leaving your current job. You may not want to stress on the fact that you may have been laid off or fired. Also, if you do not wish to disclose anything about new job, you can omit those details. You should write about the relationship you shared with your coworkers, and appreciate the hard work put in by them. Express regret about having to leave your company or department.
You should mention all the positive and motivating comments about your company and workmates in your letter. Make sure you show your respect and appreciation related to the coworkers and the company. You should avoid mentioning any bad events or sour relationships you may have had with someone. This is a farewell letter, not a complaint letter. You need to keep your avenues open, in case you need their help in the future.
Dear friends and colleagues, Most of you are already aware that I will be leaving you by the end of this month for pastures new and to take up a position with (name of new company). After a lot of consideration I have made the decision to accept a change in career. This decision is full of mixed emotions and I would like to thank all my workmates who have helped and supported me in this. I am excited about my new venture and at the same time, I am genuinely sad to be leaving this organization. I have been a part of this organization for over 8 years and I have had many memorable and enjoyable times working here. I would like to thank all of you who have supported, guided and encouraged me over the years. I also appreciate the good wishes I have received from you all after I declared my decision to leave the organization. You can keep in touch with me and free to email me on (your personal email address). Again, my sincere thanks to all of you and good luck for the future. Regards, Rob Bay |
It is always wise to part on a positive note, as you never know when you will come across your old colleagues again.