If you plan to draft a letter for financial aid, the following write-up aims at providing letter samples that serve as guideposts to applicants hopeful of receiving financial consideration.
People, who are interested in applying for financial aid, should bear in mind that the letter drafted should be convincing, persuasive, and polite. The applicant should ensure that he/she presents a true picture of the circumstances and provides supporting documents in lieu of the same. The following financial aid appeal letter samples may help illustrate the point.
Before drafting a letter appealing for financial aid, there are certain points that ought to be check marked. For a letter to be effective and leave an impression, keep the draft comprehensive and succinct. Long-winded narrations are not required here. Explaining your case objectively with sincerity is enough to drive the message home. Provide thorough, single-celled evidences to support your case, thereby ensuring that you leave no scope for doubt. Know that the financial aid administrator scours your letter in every way possible. The core of the letter should be such that the administrator feels compelled to grant you the aid. A languidly written application that has disorganized spelled in bold, more often than not, finds its way deep into the trash bin. Ergo, if your letter marks well on validity and positive summation, there are strong chances of you receiving the financial aid you require.
Sample Letters
Sample 1
To The Loan Officer Dear Sir/Madam: XYZ is an Atlanta-based corporation that has been in the business of contract warehousing since November 6, 2003. Over the years, we have built a reputation of providing specialized services, tailor-made to suit the requirements of clients expecting more than just plain storage facilities. Cross-docking, inventory control, packaging, just-in-time inventory management, local transportation, and quality control are just some of the services that have made XYZ, a distinguished contract warehousing company. Our preferred clients, TTT, TYU, and TIO have been in business with us since early 2004. The plethora of services provided by us comes at a price which is fully justified considering the complexities of the business. However, since September ’07, a number of clients have become reluctant to enter into the customary lease agreement of 3 years, due to the significant slowdown in economic activity. Public warehouses that allow clients to store for both short and long periods of time, are being favored in these hard times. Considering that the economy is on its way to recovery albeit slowly, as the sole proprietor, I am convinced that the business will turn around for good. I would request you to consider providing me with a loan to the tune of $———-, so that the working capital requirements of the business can be met. I am enclosing herewith, the following documents for your perusal.
I would request you to consider my appeal and revert at the earliest. Sincerely, Name: |
Sample 2
The Students Affairs Department Dear Sir/Madam: I am writing on behalf of my ward, PRQ, a brilliant Grade 6 student, who has brought laurels to your school by participating in Annual Math League contests and winning for the second consecutive year. I would like to inquire about scholarship programs available at the 6th grade level, since I am unable to pay for my ward’s education.The downturn in the economy has affected my business, and I am deeply indebted to my creditors, LLP Private Lenders, who have so kindly agreed to forestall legal action. I, hereby would request you to consider my appeal for financial aid. Sincerely, Name: |
Hopefully, the above financial aid appeal letter samples would have given the readers an idea about drafting a suitable letter. A number of templates are available on the internet and these may provide applicants with ideas about drafting the same.