For all those wannabe online content writers – a devil's guide on how NOT to write an article. Here are certain Dos and Don'ts regarding content writing (less of do's and more of don'ts).
So you’ve decided on what you’re gonna write. Yes, you are content with the content you have found. So what next? How do you go about writing your article? Well, this piece of writing will tell you exactly how not to write an article, so without wasting any more time, let’s take a quick overview of a few basic follies that most people make.
The English language is quite easy to decipher, as sometimes the words have very obvious meanings. The word ‘link’ means a logical connection. Note, logical and connection. So, when you link in your article, ensure that the link is relevant to what you are writing.
Also, even if your links are as disconnected as the thought process in Paris Hilton’s brain, at least ensure that the link works. It’s very annoying when you are tempted to click on something only to realize that the link doesn’t exist!
A good way of starting an article is with a quote. Let’s face it – it’s easy to use, it sets the flow of the article and it doesn’t even have to come from the top of your head. What really needs to be kept in mind is that the quote being used is valid and more importantly relevant to what you are writing.
For example: If you are writing a medical article on urine color or urination problems do not start the article with a quote like “Piss off” – Mike Tyson.
Personal experiences are supposed to be just that – personal. But if you happen to miraculously have experienced what the article talks about, then you can always start off with it. Yet, at times it does sound a bit over the top, so take care to start with personal experiences only as it is very relevant.
Like, if by some strange coincidence, like Samit Basu would say, Lady luck was sitting at a gambling table alone because no one was willing to play with her, so she diverted her attention to you and granted you all the luck in the world, and you happen to have experienced the same thing, how do you go about it?
Firstly, be subtle. If you are writing on ‘hamsters as pets’, don’t start with “OH MY GOD! I DON’T BELIEVE THIS! I MEAN, EVEN I HAVE A HAMSTER AS A PET! OH MY GOD! IT’S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL!….” Please, you might just instigate the reader into thinking that getting a hamster as a pet leads to euphoric mental instability. Do not do that.
Also, a genuine advice is to be genuine. Only start with a personal experience if you have indeed been through it.
While writing about cancer symptoms, don’t start with “When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was simply crestfallen. I realized that I had cancer when I saw the following cancer symptoms…” Please avoid doing this. The last thing a real cancer patient needs is empathy from a fake cancer patient.
Also, all said and done, the writer may think that the reader will feel more attached or feel that the writer is suddenly more of an authority to write on this article if he or she starts with a personal experience but it is not so. The reader does not have time to think so much. He wants information, and he wants it fast.