Are you looking for the most commonly misspelled words? Well, I was looking for them too and after a few days of hunting tactics, I have a list for you. Make sure you pick up the correct words and not get confused with the wrong ones.
Alright, so everywhere you look on the web you will find a really long list of wrongly spelled words. But I felt the list could be far more streamlined. I may be a writer, but it’s thanks to spell check that one may not find typos in the content. Instead of giving you a list, and making it so easy, let’s take a quiz with MCQs. Mind you, these are the 20 most common ones in the English language. Try it out. Let’s get started then?
A Quiz on Words Spelled Incorrectly in English
Group 1 | Group 2 |
a) accommodate b) acommodate c) accommodat d) accammodate |
a) deductible b) deductable c) deductuble d) deductabel |
Group 3 | Group 4 |
a) embarras b) embaras c) embarass d) embarrass |
a) foreward b) forword c) forworde d) foreword |
Group 5 | Group 6 |
a) indispensabel b) indispensible c) indispensable d) indespensible |
a) judgement b) judgment c) judgemant d) judgmant |
Group 7 | Group 8 |
a) liason b) liasson c) liasone d) liaison |
a) occassion b) ocassion c) occasion d) ocasion |
Group 9 | Group 10 |
a) perserverance b) persaverence c) perserverence d) perseverance |
a) procede b) proceede c) proced d) proceed |
Group 11 | Group 12 |
a) business b) bizineess c) busyness d) besniss |
a) envirement b) enviornment c) environment d) enviarmint |
Group 13 | Group 14 |
a) facinating b) fascinating c) fasenating d) fassinating |
a) beleive b) bilieve c) bileive d) believe |
Group 15 | Group 16 |
a) dilemma b) dillemma c) dillema d) dilema |
a) excersize b) exercise c) excercize d) exersize |
Group 17 | Group 18 |
a) consensus b) concensus c) consencus d) consenssus |
a) inadvertant b) inadvartant c) inadvartent d) inadvertent |
Group 19 | Group 20 |
a) prerogative b) perogative c) perogitive d) preragitive |
a) rime b) ryme c) rhime d) rhyme |
If you get the correct answers for more than 15 of these MCQs, then, you need not worry about being prone to this. Here are the answers.
There are more words that you could go wrong with; here they are:
Hope this article helped you get rid of some confusion regarding a few spellings. This is where I sign off! A bientôt!