An entrepreneurial success requires marketing. To market your services, first draw up creative business cards. For a business like freelance writing,
8 Gripping Instances of Foreshadowing in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’
Foreshadowing is an interesting literary technique used by writers to help the reader infer certain elements of the plot or provide an inkling of
10 Finest Examples of Personification in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’
Authored by Harper Lee, 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is an American novel that deals with myriad issues ranging from racism, rape, human morality,
The Perfect Analysis of Important Quotes from Sophocles’ Antigone
'Antigone', by Sophocles, is a famous tragedy play which revolves around a sister's quest to get a decent burial for her dead brother's body, much
Mix it Up, Make it Different: Metathesis Explained With Examples
Metathesis refers to the rearranging of words or sounds in a sentence, i.e., words/sounds that appear in a particular order are flipped/reversed to
Meaning of Parables Explained With Popular Examples from Literature
A parable is a story/prose or a verse that intends to give a message or teach a moral principle. This post talks about the meaning and examples of
Epic Poetry: Characteristics, Elements, and Examples
An epic poem is an elaborate narrative about an important event. It contains a character of incredible stature and courage who performs superhuman
10 Books That are Banned By Governments
Books always enlighten us by giving information, but sometimes, they do more harm than intended, and get expelled in the process. Here is a list of
14 Books with Mysterious Endings
Thrill, mystery, surprise, and suspense are the key ingredients of books with puzzling terminus. This Buzzle article enlists some books with