Following a proper envelope format will not only help your letter reach in time but also look professional to the receiver. In this article, we will present two correct formats, i.e. business and college envelope formats.
The format of envelopes depends on the receiver of the mail. While most formal mail has the same envelope format, there are minor differences. Here’s a look into two common types of envelope formats.
Business Envelope Format
When addressing a business envelope, proper formatting can make a huge difference in helping you achieve your professional aim. The letter will reach the addressee on time and help you receive immediate response. Keep these tips in mind when writing on an envelope for business purposes.
- The envelope should include the return address in the upper left hand corner of the envelope.
- In case of pre-printed envelopes, you need to carry out modifications, if any, below the pre-printed information.
- Follow half-inch margin around the letter and totally avoid writing in this area. This is useful for the automated machines at the Postal Department to read the address on the envelope.
- The address of the receiver should be written in the center of the envelope. It is normally single spaced.
- In case the envelope contains a window, the address printed on the letter should be seen clearly through the window.
- You may add PRIVATE/PERSONAL/CONFIDENTIAL on the top of the envelope, if the letter contains confidential data.
- The right hand top corner should have the stamp with the correct postal stamp value.
Your Name
Return Address Line 1 Return Address Line 2 Recipient Name
Recipient Address Line 1 Recipient Address Line 2 |
College Envelope Format
Addressing a college envelope is similar to a business envelope.
- Address the letter to the recipient or the designation of the recipient (if you do not know the name).
- If both are known to you, write the name followed by the designation of the recipient.
- This format may be used to address letters out of the country, and may be modified depending on the recipient.
Your Name Return Address Line 1 Return Address Line 2 To,
Name or Designation of Recipient Name of College or University Recipient Address Line 1 Recipient Address Line 2 City, State, Zip Code Country Name |
Informal Envelope Format
There are times when one needs to send over a personal letter to friends and family. In some cases, we need to send an informal letter to some of our business acquaintances. An informal envelope should be written by hand. You need to write in a more causal, friendly way. You can address the receiver by his/her first name. You can even skip writing the titles like ‘Mr.’, ‘Mrs.’, etc. It is not necessary you use black or blue ink pen. You can use colored ink pens and even place stickers, if you are writing to a dear friend or sending out a party invitation. The return address should be written on the back flap of your envelope.
You need to write the address correctly and clearly for letter to reach on time. Always stick the postal stamp with glue and never with sticky tape as the postal equipment cannot read the ultra violet ink if it is covered. Write the address with a bold, non-messy, waterproof pen.