Many commonplace English words can be traced back to Latin, which probably will take you by surprise because you actually use them daily while conversing. So, let’s not keep you waiting and instead list out the common Latin words and their meanings used in the English language.
Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt, and Benjamin Franklin … when you read these three great names together, does it ring a bell? Ok, what’s common between them?
All Three Were Adept at Latin!
Latin words and phrases are most commonly used in medicine, science, and legal documents, which also brings to light the fact that these words are normally used while writing rather than speaking. However, we’d like to contradict a bit by telling you that we actually use a lot of Latin words while speaking too, such as alias, via, agenda, alibi, etc. For that matter, even abbreviations like i.e. (that is) and (etcetera) etc., come from Latin. Surprised, eh? Oh, there’s more! Alter ego, vice versa … okay, let’s do this. We’ll list them all out for you.
Find here a list of common Latin words used in English, some of which you will be very familiar with, while some may be there at the back of your mind, but you haven’t come across for long. So refresh your memory, or so to say vocabulary, as you go through the Latin words below.
List of Latin Words Used In English
A – C
abdomen:- belly
acumen:- ability to make good judgments
abacus:- ancient calculator
affidavit:- a sworn declaration of an oath
agenda:- list of things to be done
alma mater:- nourishing mother
alpha:- First of something
alter ego:- other self
altruism:- selfless concern for others
ambiguous:- a double meaning
amor:- love
apex:- top
appendix:- supplement
atrocity:- cruel act
avarice:- greed
bibulous:- love of drinking alcohol
bona fide:- good faith
campus:- plain land of something
celibate:- abstaining from sex or marriage
cerebrum:- brain
condign:- worthy, appropriate
conglomerate:- different parts mixed as a unit while still distinct
crepuscular:- pertaining to twilight
cull:- select from a variety of sources
D – H
debilitate:- weaken
de facto:- of fact
dirigible:- capable of being guided
etc.:- and the rest
ergo:- therefore
facsimile:- exact copy
ferrous:- made of iron
flux:- in the process of flowing
futile:- in vain
garrulity:- loquaciousness
I – L
impecunious:- poor
impromptu:- spontaneous
in absentia:- in one’s absence
incalculable:- too great to be counted
indefatigability:- tireless
insipid:- lacking flavor
intra:- within
introspection:- looking within oneself
languid:- slow, relaxed
lucubration:- meditation
M – O
major:- great
media:- middle
medicinae doctor (M.D.):- doctor of medicine
memo:- note to remember
modicum:- small amount
moribund:- near death
mundane:- wordly as opposed to spiritual
naive:- exhibiting lack of experience
obeisance:- respect
obvious:- clear
oculus dexter (O.D.):- In Ophthalmology, right eye
oculus sinister (O.S.):- In Ophthalmology, left eye
P – R
parvenu:- celebrity from obscure origins
per annum:- annually
per capita:- individually
percent:- rate for hundred
per contra:- on the other hand
per se:- by itself
perpetuate:- preserve
perturb:- make anxious
plausible:- probable
post meridiem (pm):- afternoon
post mortem:- autopsy
post script (PS):- after writing (in the end)
precarious:- uncertain
pro rata:- in equal parts
puerile:- childishly silly
pulchritude:- beauty
pusillanimity:- showing a lack of courage
quantum:- amount
rapport:- close relationship
recalcitrant:- obstinate
renegade:- a rebellious person
reprisal:- retaliation
S – Z
sacrosanct:- very important
status quo:- situation in which
stereo:- solid
stipend:- fixed allowance
stultify:- appear foolish
sub nomine:- under the name of
succumb:- fail to resist
supra:- above
tentative:- provisional
turpitude:- depravity
ubiquity:- found everywhere
ultra:- beyond
versus:- against
via:- a way
vice versa:- reversed
viz:- Abbreviation for ‘namely’
So, these were some Latin-derived words which we commonly use. Not only words, but many of the prefixes and suffixes have also come from this ancient language. It all together forms the base of our grammar. Keep reading and increasing your vocabulary!