Permission slips are used for authorizing educational institutes to protect and guide students during outdoor trips. Here is what a permission slip should ideally contain.
A permission slip is a form that an educational institute sends home with its students, to seek approval for minor students to attend field trips and picnics under the protection and guidance of the school authorities. The document serves a dual purpose; it informs parents about the details of the trip and gets parental consent to safeguard the school’s position if any mishap occurs during the trip.
Basically, the document ensures that the school is not taking a student away from the school premises against parent’s wishes. Apart from the aforementioned points, a permission slip may offer details such as goal of the trip, fees for the trip and things that the child should bring along. e.g. packed lunch, containers for collecting samples, stationery, etc. Most schools have a printed format that just needs to be read and signed by parents or guardians. If not, then the ideas mentioned above are the best way to prepare a permission slip by yourself.
Given below are a couple of templates that will give you a fair idea of what a permission slip should contain.
Permission Slip for Field Trips
Name of School
The Principal
Name of the School
I, _(mention the name)_, parent/legal guardian of _(student’s name)_, grant permission for my child/ward to participate in the school field trip as described below.
Trip duration: From _____ to _____
Scheduled time of Departure:
Scheduled time of Return:
Name of Teacher:
Details of Transportation:
Child’s Medical Information
Blood Group:
Food Restrictions:
Parent/Guardian’s Name:
Communication Address:
Emergency Contact Numbers:
Authorized to Treat Minor Students
In the event of not reaching me in an emergency, I hereby permit the concerned school authorities to call 911 and/or to contact a medical facility or physician selected by the school to provide proper treatment to _(name of student)_. I will be responsible for all expenses arising in association with such treatment.
Prescription or Over-the-counter Medication
I certify that I have in my file in the school office, a current profile enlisting necessary medication that _(name of student)_ must take.
Acknowledgment of Notification Regarding Risk
I hereby acknowledge that I have been notified whether or not the activities involved in this field trip are considered to be of ‘high risk’ to the participants.
Indemnity and Waiver of Claim
I, the undersigned, parent/legal guardian of _(name of student)_, hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the school, its employees, volunteers, the school district, its governing board, the individual members thereof, and all other district officers, agents and employees from any liability, lawsuit, cost, expense, or claim of any type whatsoever (including legal fees) for any harm, injury, or death arising out of the above mentioned activity, as a condition of the student participating in the same.
Parent’s Signature:
Permission Slip for Picnics
Permission Slip for Picnics
Name of School
Student’s Name:
Date of Trip:
I, _(mention name)_, parent/legal guardian of _(name of student)_, hereby give permission to my child/ward to attend the school picnic.
Child’s Medical Information
Blood Group:
Food Restrictions:
Parent’s Signature:
Parent’s Name:
Communication Address:
Emergency Contact Numbers: